View Full Version : Been in a panic state all day - can someone talk some sense into me?

05-08-22, 21:18
I've been in a state of panic all day since finding out that my mum is in hospital AMU with chest infection/covid. I'm currently 100 miles way with work and my brother is taking care of my dad who is utterly helpless without my mum ... and I'm feeling very anxious for both of them.

Hospital say she is stable and she was fast asleep when my nephew went to see her earlier. Doctors currently doing tests and evaluating treatment/pharmaceutics. Just fearing some awful outcome and I can't get there until tomorrow when I will need to juggle so many balls in the air -work, my dad, my mum - and keep up a strong front for all concerned. My brother just seems to take everything in a matter of fact way, but all I can feel is anxiety - heart racing, retching from fear, and a feeling of extreme panic which won't calm down.

Could just do with some words of reassurance or encouragement from those on this forum who 'get' what I am going through.


05-08-22, 21:55
We all get what you are going through.

your mum is in the best place and they say she is stable. Don’t let your mind tell you otherwise. People who don’t suffer with anxiety are enviable aren’t they? I have relatives like your brother, who are so chilled they are horizontal. Then there’s me:winks:

Shes in the best place and they don’t seem worried. So stay strong.

05-08-22, 22:27
Thank you Darksky. I'm just understandably concerned since she just turned 90 last week, although she is what you would call a tough old bird of that generation. Very strong willed, independent and likely to discharge herself - as she has already told the staff apparently. Just want to ensure that she is being treated efficaciously until well enough to come home.... and I need to know what to expect. Can't deal with the uncertainty.

Wish I didn't suffer with anxiety - it a horrid lurking thing which I can push to the back of mind for the most part but when it surfaces boy does it surface.....

But thank you for your support.

06-08-22, 08:07
It sounds as though your Mum is ruling the roost in hospital and keen to get home. You need to trust the hospital because they will be keeping a very close eye on her and your brother is looking after your dad so you have no uncertainty in terms of the fact that they are both being looked after and are not depending on you to be there immediately.

I'm sure you will get the full facts of her current care and treatment plan when you are able to be there and hear from the doctors first hand. This is what you need and will get.

Of course you are worried but make sure you get there safely and take things a step at a time? Please let us know how things are and take care on the journey. Things are under control re both your parents and once you know the facts you will be able to deal with things more calmly.

06-08-22, 11:06
How are things today Dorabella?

07-08-22, 23:55
How are things today Dorabella?
Mom now back home and champing on the bit to resume normal service. And furious that she was kept there waiting two days for some doctor to finally turn up to sign her off. The covid diagnosis was incidental.

08-08-22, 05:41
That's good news Dorabella!