View Full Version : Over Breathing

06-08-22, 20:09
Hello my friends it's me again. I swear my anxiety is a pokemon the way it evolves and takes different forms. For a while it was colon cancer, then heart problems, then brain stuff, and now it's lung cancer... I used to deal with this quite a bit with those breathing sensations and they're back again. Just woke up one night out a nightmare and almost hyperventilated. Stopped the attack right before it happened but since then I've just been experiencing those smothering sensations. Which is so strange because I still jump rope and work out, the sensation goes but even when im not anxious it comes back. Like how i mentioned i used to deal with this years ago. Anybody else deal with this?

08-08-22, 21:13
Yes - me. Just started happening again and it's awful

12-08-22, 22:30
yea, it's terrible I hate it. How do you deal with it or how does yours happen when they start happening?