View Full Version : Tetanus fears need some advice please

07-08-22, 16:38
Hi Im looking for some advice please about the risk of getting tetanus. I suffer from bad HA (surprise surpise) anyway last week I cut my thumb on a mug that broke when I took it out the dishwasher. It bleed pretty heavily for a few mins and while I was washing it out under the tap, however as soon as I put a plaster on it the bleeding was contained. The cut was only 1.5cm long and must have been shallow as it has healed completetly in 5 days. I phoned NHS 24 who said it sounded ok but I was to phone my GP the next day to check what they thought and if I would or would not need a tetanus booster.

I phoned the surgery and they said it sounded ok but were not sure of my vaccination status so they checked up on it. I also phoned my Mum to check if she had any records luckily she did. I am 51 and it turns out I had my 3 initial doses in 1971 as per the schedule at that time. I then had a further boosters after accidents at age 12 and 31 then an additional bosster 10 years ago at my GP's surgery so thats a total of six in my lifetime.

Now this is where I need the advice if possible I was told by my practice nurse that as I had had 6 in my lifetime I was fully protected and did not require another booster ever again. However I am confused as on the NHS site and other sites Ive read they say the five doses that give lifetime immunity are to be given at 8.12 and 16 weeks then a bosster at 3 years and 4 months old. With the final booster given around age 15. This differs from when I have recieved my doses. Im just wondering if anyone has any input on this as Im just confused. My practice nurse insited that you are fully covered with 5 doses at any point in life (i.e. the 3 primary doses and then 2 boosters at any point) but I can't find any info online that says that. Even my GP that I spoke to again on Friday was unsure and said she would speak to the practice nurse next week to double check and get back to me.

The other thing that keeps confusing me is why if 5 doses are considered enough for life in the UK. then why do all the US sites and online info from the US state that you absolutely MUST have tetanus boosters every 10 years or even 5? I don't see how there can be such a difference of opinion it's does not help the anxious mind at all.

Any relevant explaintions and info would be much appreciated thanks Owain

07-08-22, 22:20
I haven't had a booster for over 20 years and I am fine.

I think you are overthinking this one to be honest and I wouldn't even worry about it

08-08-22, 01:43
In America, if they can make you pay for something every 10 years, they will.

It sounds like you're fine here. If you're really worried I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to just go get another shot. But I wouldn't be worried about tetanus in this situation.

08-08-22, 20:34
Ok so 5 doses will be enough to cover you for life. I know this as I work on A&E and asked :)

09-08-22, 01:33
Very important to note that tetanus doesn't just hang around on freshly washed mugs, either. Typically it's found in dirt and poop, and it only infects you if the wound can't be properly cleaned. Hence, the biggest group of people who actually *get* tetanus are people who step on something barefoot outdoors (puncture wounds + dirt = bad combination) OR people who have had some sort of terrible accident outdoors (the classic is a bad fall off a mountain bike or motorcycle) OR people who are sleeping rough / homeless for extended time, usually also with poor hygiene. For perspective, in the USA there are only about 30 cases a year. So, statistics are vastly, vastly on your side here.

Even better, you are presumably not related to these people:


...and before anyone says "Oh dear, K, you're posting triggering things" I want to draw your attention to these bits:

"a boy aged 6 years who had received no immunizations sustained a forehead laceration while playing outdoors on a farm; the wound was cleaned and sutured at home"
"The inpatient charges totaled $811,929 (excluding air transportation, inpatient rehabilitation, and ambulatory follow-up costs). One month after inpatient rehabilitation, he returned to all normal activities, including running and bicycling. Despite extensive review of the risks and benefits of tetanus vaccination by physicians, the family declined the second dose of DTaP and any other recommended immunizations"
"This is the first pediatric tetanus case in >30 years in Oregon"
"tetanus immune globulin for wound management has led to a 95% decline in the number of tetanus cases and a 99% decrease in the number of tetanus-related deaths since the 1940s."

...right away I hope you can see that really, truly, you have nothing to worry about, as literally you went right from the start, whereas the people in the story above... well, did the opposite.

Wishing you all the best.

09-08-22, 14:32
Ok so 5 doses will be enough to cover you for life. I know this as I work on A&E and asked :)

Thanks for the reply.

So it is correct 5 doses at ANY point in your life is considered enough not just the 5 doses listed at the 8, 12 and 16 weeks plus the two boosters at 3 and 15 years. This is where the info is not clear nothing I can find says 5 at any point is ok just 5 over the mentioned schedule. Also do you know why in the US they seem to be insistant that you get one every 10 years maybe even 5. I can't understand why there is such a difference of advice?

I have also come across this info **As of November 2018 there has been a significant change to the Department of****Health Green Book tetanus immunisation and prophylaxis advice****For all but clean wounds it is a return to a 10 year booster rule** in the below link. Has the info changed again since then


I have also read that having too many boosters can actually be bad for you as levels build up and build up in your body and bad reactions are more likely with getting too many shots.

I have also read that even if your antibody levels drop with age or time, if you have had the 5 doses and the tetanus bacteria do enter your system the body is still fast to recognise it and creates sufficient antibodies to fight the bacteria. Is this true?

The whole thing has got me so confused and stressed out. Can you tell my the reason why the five doses are all you need over your life? And also when are tetanus boosters given now and under what circumstances.

Thanks for taking the time to read this I just can't stop stressing about it and trying to get the info off goggle is just a contradictory jumble of advice (mainly the US advice where they seem keen on sticking tetanus jabs into anybody at any opportunity).

Thanks again Owain