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View Full Version : Feel ill today

08-08-22, 13:47
Feel bloody awful today, stomach sore , weird feeling upper left, when I eat or drink I feel it going down into stomach and it hurts and also left upper back. I addition seem to have right hand back pain seems to move around lower back , kidney area, then moves up, to area below right shoulder blade. My solar plexus doesn't look right , looks too big, im sure it never used to look like that .Couldn't sleep last night, due to aches and my feet were freezing all night. My mind is in full panic mode. In addition I have worries about close family members, that's playing on my mind 24/7. I'm needing to do stuff but just want to lie down, I'm hoping it will pass, otherwise I'm going to have to contact doc .

08-08-22, 16:27
Also, last week drank too much alcohol on Tuesday and had a seafood meal,spent Wednesday being very ill. Don't know if it was booze or seafood, but saw in news a poor guy who ate ducks eggs then several weeks later died of salmonella 😟

08-08-22, 21:51
Even if you got salmonella, you probably wouldn't die unless you were unlucky or otherwise compromised; it would just be a rough time.

Some of what you are experiencing may be stomach issues, and some is likely down to just anxiety itself. I don't have any concrete answers but I empathize and I hope you are able to find some relief soon.

09-08-22, 01:57
Thank you , woken up at 1.30am with stomach again, really worried.