View Full Version : I just need a friend

09-08-22, 02:17
So I was doing well. Knock on wood. But now looking back I have started to fall apart. Watched my dad slowly die. My dad did die February 9. I had major surgery at the end of April (cervix uterus and tubes gone). Went on vacation to beach in July.

I have this dizziness and it’s really causing me panic. It comes on sporadically with head movement or getting up/down, side to side head movement. I’ve always been a migraine sufferer (right side migraines) but tonight I had a whopper of one on the left side. I can feel myself relapsing. I’m scared. I’m trying to be logical and I don’t have anyone I can talk to. Is the dizziness a bad sign of brain issues? Why is my migraine switching sides? I’m exhausted from the worry and I just wish someone understood.

09-08-22, 04:55
Migraines do switch sides from time to time. I know it's tough after all you've been through, but try not to worry? Both of these can easily be caused by neck tension.

09-08-22, 14:34
I'm sorry, it sounds like you've really been through a lot.

I've had migraines for years and they do change. I usually have them on the left side but sometimes get them on the right; it scares me too, but it's normal. My migraine triggers are usually tension related but the source of tension that seems to trigger it is always changing too. Dizziness can be a side effect of many things, including migraines and anxiety, and after all you've been through it would not be surprising for anxiety to be the culprit.

09-08-22, 14:59
Really sorry to hear you've been such a tough time. It must have been immensely difficult for you.
As another migraine sufferer, they can definitely change sides.
Dizziness from turning your head and moving position can come from a tense neck and shoulders. I've had it happen where my neck muscles were slightly compressing everything in my neck and giving me dizziness and off balance feelings whenever I looked down, around or shook my head.

12-08-22, 20:47
Hi sorry to hear you've had to go through all of this.

This sounds like BPPV, benign paroxsyml positional vertigo (I think that's what it stands for) basically it's a vertigo/dizziness that's caused by a change in head/eye movement. I've suffered from this on and off for years and was told that a few things can trigger it, ear infections, fluid behind the eardrum or as we get older little crystals can form in the ear which can break off and this causes a sense of imbalance and then creates the vertigo.

I also find I get this if I'm stressed. Sometimes I have it on and off for a few weeks, other times I can go months and months get it once and then it disappears again.

It might not be but the symptoms you describe are exactly what I get and that's what my GP said it was, completely benign and harmless although not very nice. When I had a really bad phase they gave me some tablets which worked a treat!

23-08-22, 11:35
Thank you all so much. Still dizzy. On and off. Comes and goes. I don’t know what this is but it’s stressing me out big time. Thank you for the advice. Means a lot

25-08-22, 08:32
Why is my migraine switching sides? I’m exhausted from the worry and I just wish someone understood.

I have migraines left side, right side, and sometimes all over but they started (in my 20s) on the right side and stayed like that for many years.

25-08-22, 10:56
Thank you all so much. Still dizzy. On and off. Comes and goes. I don’t know what this is but it’s stressing me out big time. Thank you for the advice. Means a lot

I recently had a very informative appointment with a neurologist who specialised in migraines. I was diagnosed with new hemiplegic migraines (She said I was also having migraines with a brainstem aura which causes pain in the back of the head and dizziness. Hemiplegic migraines are like having a mini stroke, and my whole left side goes tingly and numb from head to toe). I asked could migraines just change from one thing to to the other as these new symptoms were terrifying me, and I used to have a more classic type of migraine. She said they most certainly can, and as we age, or even as our lifestyle changes, so can a migraine. Some people get lucky and age out of migraines, while others experience an evolution of sorts. They can change sides, duration, frequency, intensity, and can even suddenly appear in new exciting flavours (which nobody wants).

I hope some of that was somewhat reassuring! Migraines really are tricky b*stards and I hope you feel better soon. Dizziness that comes and goes sounds a lot like an inner ear issue, or classic old neck tension. If my neck gets a little misaligned, its dizziness for days. A really gentle shoulder and neck massage seriously helps mine. Worth a try!

26-08-22, 08:37
They can change sides, duration, frequency, intensity, and can even suddenly appear in new exciting flavours (which nobody wants).

What is this wizardry, Raptor? How did you do this?!!!! (I have to know) :scared15:

26-08-22, 11:48
What is this wizardry, Raptor? How did you do this?!!!! (I have to know) :scared15:

Sure! Okay, so the toolbar at the very top of this reply box has font settings with a dropdown arrow which lets you select different options. So Font has a list of fonts you can choose etc. I went for Impact, then Size - 4, then next to that there's a dropdown to choose the text colour. You just highlight each word and choose whatever colour your heart desires :) And because I love to go overboard, I gave it the old italic treatment too :roflmao:

27-08-22, 07:45
Sure! Okay, so the toolbar at the very top of this reply box has font settings with a dropdown arrow which lets you select different options. So Font has a list of fonts you can choose etc. I went for Impact, then Size - 4, then next to that there's a dropdown to choose the text colour. You just highlight each word and choose whatever colour your heart desires :) And because I love to go overboard, I gave it the old italic treatment too :roflmao:

So, like this then?

I love it!! :yahoo:

03-09-22, 10:03
So, like this then?

I love it!! :yahoo: