View Full Version : One thing after another, do not know where to turn next...

09-08-22, 18:31
Hello, I have been having a lot of issues and a lot of fears recently. The most recent is that my left nostril felt partially blocked all the time, and it would literally feel better when I would manually lift a little bit one side of it. Although I saw ENT specialist on April 15th ( which was normal exam and recommendation to use saline spray often), I went again. ENT doctor was patient, and looked again , especially into my left nostril, and confirmed that the bottom of my septum has a slight deviation which is now little more pronounced ( getting older and the cartilage is weaker), but added that I absolutely need no medication, and to use saline spray more often. He assured me that there is nothing serious and that I am fine.

However, I noticed a few days ago that my glasses leave much more obvious dent on my left side of the nose ( side of the nose bridge under the eye), than on my right side. That I know I am not making up because it is obvious: when I take my glasses off, there is a small dent there, while almost none on the right side! It almost looks like my left side is little swollen and that is the reason why glasses leave bigger imprint on that side. I have to admit though that also on my left side of the nose bridge I have had burst capillary for years now ( checked long ago by my dermatologist) ; what I am saying is that glasses have always fitted badly on my left side - maybe that is just how my nose is. But the dent , although small, is so obvious now.

Of course I keep on thinking that there may be something on the left inside my nose ( tumor) and maybe it is near the sinus and ENT did not register it. Maybe that is why left side is little "fatter" and the glasses leave bigger imprint.

I am embarrassed to make an appointment again with him but this is now haunting me. Any piece of advice / words of comfort/ suggestions please. I am starting to panic.

10-08-22, 11:58
Now it feels like my throat hurts ... I am supposed to go on a well deserved vacation, but this is ruining everything for me...Anyone, please? I know I saw ENT, and I had 6 month dental exam, where my dentist looked all around my oral cavity. Trying really hard to put all this aside, one of the doctors would have noticed if something was not right, right? Please, anyone, how can I just accept that nothing is wrong?

10-08-22, 14:21
Dearest Lana,

A nasal tumor, or any sort of growth, is very very obvious on an exam. You have seen 2 ENTs are were cleared. I am 100% confident that you are fine!!

I also have a deviated septum and collapsed nostril that feels better if manually lifted, exactly the same as you, and I am much younger than you, remember?

The marks left by your glasses are usually from fluid retention in your face, usually from not sleeping well / being dehydrated. I have them too, worse on one side, same as you. It's the side of my face that I sleep on. If I switch sides one night, the indentation switches, too!

There is a trick which I use to breathe easier without saline which I will now pass on to you and everyone else reading here: There's a spot above your cheekbones, to either side of your nose, usually in line with the center of your eye, where a nerve exits your facial bones. If you gently press around in that area on both sides, you'll find it -- it's going to be more tender than the surrounding area. Find the most tender spot and press firmly (don't poke, just a firm press inward toward the bone!) and hold for about 10 seconds...

For me, this temporarily alleviates nasal stuffiness like magic every single time. The effect (sending a manual signal to the nerve to open the nasal airways a bit) lasts about 10-15 minutes, so I use it most when I am trying to fall asleep, or before meetings at work where I need to both speak and concentrate and not feel or sound stuffy.

There's a name for it, but I've forgotten it -- I'll see if I can look it up. I hope it helps you.

Otherwise, you are fine. I truly promise.

10-08-22, 15:37
Dear Kyllikki, thank you so much! You helped me a lot, you cannot even imagine!

I do not believe you have septal deviation as well, what are the chances, right? But you are so right, one of the doctors would know, and at my last ENT visit he insisted that I am totally fine and this is just lower septum deviation which requires no medication or anything at this point.

I will definitely try the technique you mentioned, absolutely! Also - my throat is not sore at this point any longer. Thank God.

You truly helped me a lot, and I hope you are doing very well ( let me know via PM when you can).