View Full Version : Anyone else feel ill in the heat?

10-08-22, 11:24
I don't want to complain about the hot weather and realise in comparison to other countries the UK is relatively mild but I always struggle when it's hot.

The last couple of weeks I've struggled so much, sweating constantly (the menopause not helping with that one), headaches, raging hayfever, nausea and just feeling off.

I've even been getting brain zaps like when you withdraw from SSRI's but I'm taking them religiously, just wondering if it's because I'm not sleeping properly, sweating loads more and maybe the drugs are leaving my system quicker.

I'd love a good downpour right now, think I'd actually just go and sit in the middle of the garden and enjoy every drop of rain!

Is it just me being a grump or can others relate?

10-08-22, 11:31
Well when I went on holiday to Windsor (Legoland) last week, the temperature was almost 10 degrees higher than back home in West Wales.

I had a mild temperature between 37.5 and 38, but not sure if that was my body just reacting to the heat, and I also felt really clammy and tired.

10-08-22, 11:37
Nope, Munchlet, me too. Got a banging headache and I've been awake since 3.30am. I would so love a wonderful noisy rainy thunderstorm.

10-08-22, 12:48
I’m the same. I feel hot and rough, off balance. Pressure in my head and sinus. My body doesn’t appreciate extreme heat or cold for that matter.

10-08-22, 12:57
I've handled quite well the heat this summer even though it was extreme but I am worse now and can't wait for summer to end. It was enough. I am not sure right now if I am really sick or is it heat.

10-08-22, 13:18
Thanks guys, glad it's not just me, hubby keeps telling me to stop being grumpy and enjoy the Sunshine! I would if it was about 10 degrees lower but it's just too much and there's no air.

Chlobo that's exactly how I've been pressure in head, that woozy off balance feeling and the brain zaps for me. I also thought I had a head cold last week as my sinuses were sore and blocked but I think it was just the heat and hayfever!

Well lets all do a rain dance and hopefully we'll get some relief soon!

10-08-22, 14:56
Absolutely in bits with this heat too, you're not alone. Migraines, trembling, weakness, dizziness, and for some reason, nosebleeds (I think my sinuses have dried out too much)! I've been best friends with our little portable aircon unit for the whole week.

10-08-22, 16:48
Oh WorryRaptor that sounds horrible. I agree about the dry sinuses, I've noticed when blowing my nose there's more often than not bits of blood. If it wasn't so flipping hot I'd be doing some steam inhalation to try and soothe them.

Glad to hear you've got some aircon for relief! :yesyes:

10-08-22, 17:06
I'm detesting it and entirely relate, menopause here too ! Migraines (could actually be part of the heat thinking about it now, as they started to be far more regular since May!), sweating, nausea, fatigue, not sleeping, stomach aches and indigestion...and yes...I've even had the zaps as if I've forgotten a tablet (but I haven't!) It feels as if everything is falling apart, and whilst I've never really enjoyed or been good in very hot weather, this year is substantially worse.

10-08-22, 17:22
It's a real struggle in the heat, especially as I have a stinking cold too.

I made it to 5.20 this morning BlueIris - I feel like I had a lie in compared to you. Although even my hair was soaking wet when I woke up.

10-08-22, 18:14
I’ve been taking more paracetamol than usual because of the heat. I get banging headaches because of it. I tend to wake up with them and I’m done then for the rest of the day:weep:

10-08-22, 20:24
I woke up this morning and stood up and felt sooo dizzy 😪 I’ve been so worried all day! And had a headache all day too 😪

10-08-22, 20:35
I am the same Carys, the headaches have increased over the last few months, been putting it down to menopause but I definitely think the heat is aggravating them and like you, I've never been great with the heat but I'm struggling a lot more than I ever used to.

I'm sorry to hear so many of us are struggling with it but it's interesting to read how there seems to be a distinct set of symptoms the heat is causing.

I will be so grateful for a good downpour when we get one!