View Full Version : Painful lump in bottom

10-08-22, 21:51
I started getting pain in my bottom last week and found a small balloon like lump which feels rubbery and I am able to push it back in. My bottom feels bruised and sore. I originally thought it’s a pile but there’s no bleeding even when i wipe there’s no blood. I’m now fearing the worst and mind is spiralling with all sorts of thoughts.

I should add that i’m currently experiencing an ibs flare up and my bowels have been all over the place lately some days soft other days hard.

10-08-22, 22:46
It will be a pile but get it checked out if you are worried

10-08-22, 23:34
I will be making an appointment with my GP as soon as. Usually people begin worrying if there’s blood but in this case I’m worried because theres no blood! I always thought that piles bled

11-08-22, 06:35
I have a pile that mostly sits there doing nothing, sometimes it's inside, sometimes it's outside. It bleeds sometimes but not all the time. The doctor will be able to confirm it's piles and maybe suggest creams because sometimes they get sore or itchy. I've had mine since the birth of my son 25 years ago.

11-08-22, 10:37
No they don't have to bleed.

11-08-22, 20:17
Thank you for the replies, has calmed me down a little. Not as painful today and decided to stop trying to take photos of it.

Made a telephone appointment with my GP today who didn’t even call me, annoying as heck.

14-08-22, 18:44
They definitely don't have to bleed. The first time I got one it was just like this - a swollen lump that was sore to the touch. I would keep trying to push it back in to avoid it getting more irritated or sore. When mine flare up I always use witch hazel pads and cream to keep it from getting too sore.