View Full Version : Stiff neck both sides, headache, fatigue, weak legs - heat?

11-08-22, 10:19
I woke up like this today - didn't want to get out of bed. I have PMR, so on steroids, and recently a UTI so have just finished antibiotics. I am so tired I could sleep on the proverbial clothes line. Yesterday felt much better. Perfect BP - 120s/70s so no worries there. Just amazingly heavy head, stiff neck and weakness. Any ideas? I really do wish it would rain.

11-08-22, 19:51
I'm someone else for whom the heat is bad news: I get things like a bad upper back, odd, sharp twinges and a feeling of lethargy. One thing that is unpleasant is repeatedly switching between the outdoors and an air-conditioned car.

12-08-22, 09:56
Thanks, Pamplemousse - I don't enjoy the heat, that's for sure. Contacted the surgery this morning as I have a swimming head, weak muscles, no energy (can't even be bothered to read) and a rapid pulse - so feels just like some sort of infection. Surgery told me there was no infection in the sample I gave ... I had taken D-Mannose immediately so perhaps that had knocked it on the head. Now, not sure what to think but things aren't normal and I've nothing to feel anxious about. Sorry to moan - just trying to understand.

12-08-22, 12:36
Funny you should mention the rapid pulse as I had that too on Saturday, along with the heavy limbs and lack of energy plus a headache.

I wonder if there's one of those annoying little 48-hour bugs going around? I tried to speak to a neighbour yesterday but he was pretty much out of it - with many of the same symptoms. My sister works in a hospital and said that people have been presenting with similar symptoms.

12-08-22, 17:18
Thanks again - will just wait it out. GP said that if things don't improve in the next two weeks contact them again. Let's pray for cooler weather and some rain ...