View Full Version : Heat wave causing anxiety

13-08-22, 00:29
Hi all,

I live in the U.K. and I am really struggling with the heatwave that is going on atm.
I’m usually very sensible when it comes to the sun however I’m so scared of getting heatstroke etc in these conditions as I don’t have any form of air con like hot counties have.

I tried to sleep in my room even though it was really hot this morning and this has caused me to panic loads. Even my room doesn’t feel safe

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

13-08-22, 01:44
Hi Alice
Just read your post and if its any help I know exactly how youre feeling. I havent been sleeping well at all since this heatwave started.
I dont fight sleep I just find the coolest place in the house which is downstairs and try to take catnaps until its daylight.

I hope you feel better soon

13-08-22, 02:36
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear that you’re also struggling! I think a lot of people swear by fans but I haven’t tried anything like that yet...

I’ve found that I usually handle these heatwaves ok, a bit of discomfort of course but today my anxiety has been all over the place. Just so worried about heat stroke which made me feel worse but it was still really hot literally all evening ( not even like things did turn back to normal, so couldn’t feel normality in that sense) the cycle was just non stop

Hopefully it will settle soon I’m just finding it so hard to find anywhere that is truly cool and shaded during the warmest parts due to my house being pretty small

13-08-22, 15:04
Shut your windows and curtains during the time when its hotter outside than inside, have a fan (why wouldn't you - they are great ?!), use some fine misting spray on your face/neck and wrists.........then open your windows up when it is cooler outside. It works - we've managed to keep our house 8 degrees cooler inside than outside.

13-08-22, 17:22
Hi Carys,

Thank you for your response and tips. I have a fan on the way now so at least that’s something.

I will try the shutting the blind tip in my room as this seems be where soaks most of it up unfortunately. I’ve not been in there all day today, from about 10am.

A bit all over the place today as I didn’t sleep at all last night. I was panicking when I had my chance to sleep ( when it was cool) and missed that, did just have a nap for a couple though.
I’ve been coping as best I can today. Not fun... especially when lots of people are walking around by mine, safely being able to enjoy it!

13-08-22, 18:02
Theres no reason to panic at all, if you are staying hydrated and out of the sun then you'll be entirely fine. Its not comfortable, for many people (Yeah - some do seem able to 'enjoy' it, but I don't think thats the majority) but its those out and about in the heat, doing hard work/exercise in the sun, and not taking hydration precautions who are at risk. Of course, you always have the option to have a cool shower now and again :)

14-08-22, 00:53
Theres no reason to panic at all, if you are staying hydrated and out of the sun then you'll be entirely fine. Its not comfortable, for many people (Yeah - some do seem able to 'enjoy' it, but I don't think thats the majority) but its those out and about in the heat, doing hard work/exercise in the sun, and not taking hydration precautions who are at risk. Of course, you always have the option to have a cool shower now and again :)

Thanks Carys, Hoping to have a better night now that I’ve calmed down a little. I was just worried that maybe I wasn’t doing enough but I have been doing what you said as best I can!

Yeah you’re right, sometimes with the people I know I feel outnumbered as they make the most of it by going to the beach for example, whereas I’d much rather stick to somewhere where it’s comfortable and guaranteed shade when it’s like this!!

14-08-22, 08:09
You're the sensible one here, Alice. "Making the most" of the heatwave doesn't mean joining the hordes on the beach and roasting your skin/dehydrating because that's the thing to do..according to people you know.

14-08-22, 08:51
I've been doing relatively ok with the heat, mainly by lying on the bed (in my undies) in front of two fans (my request for a third was denied...) :lac:

This was until about 2am this morning when Mr Batty's hand strayed onto my thigh. He was asleep (I think), but his hand was very heavy and very hot, and I may have flung it off using two choice words (second one was 'off') :mad:

Alice, stop fretting. Get yourself a couple of decent fans for your bedroom. I also use those cool gel sheets and I stick a Kool Strip on my head. Breathe nice and deeply because anxiety speeds up the heart which makes you even hotter, so breathe....

Also, I watch Christmas movies and winter documentaries when it's hot. I find that snow and polar bears tricks the brain (ish). Club Tropicana? Nah. Leave those summery lyrics and suntanned bodies for when it's pelting down with rain tomorrow afternoon. Your neighbours (and family) might think you've gone insane when they hear the intro to Home Alone but consider this a top tip from one who has long since been certified, oops, I mean from one who has done the research on reverse psychology. :shades: