View Full Version : Opinion on weight loos needed

13-08-22, 14:13
Hey guys,

I have been in a pretty bad period of high anxiety for months now. I have gone to the doctors probably 8 times in the last 6 months or so, and the reassurance is always short lived. I lost about 8 pounds in 4 months. I eat something little in the morning and have a decent dinner (meat and veggies and some bread), but no lunch, no snacks.

I am a little worried and wondering if this is concerning weight loss, although my doctor told me yesterday that it is " a non issue". He also put me back on Lexapro.( he knows me well). I have noticed that some of my clothes are indeed a little looser but it is not like people who know me told me: Oh my God, you lost weight! Still, I am thinking bout it now. :(

Is this too much of a weight loss, and can it be due to literally constant anxiety?

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with me.


13-08-22, 14:41
I would definitely say it's a symptom of anxiety. Whenever I'm having a bad patch anxiety wise I lose weight, both my ability to eat is affected and my enjoyment of food goes out the window. 8 pounds in 4 months isn't anything to worry about, but I would say try and eat something at lunchtime. It will help even out your blood sugar throughout the day, which will help you to feel better.

13-08-22, 14:47
Catkins, thank you so much for comforting words.

If anyone else would share your opinion, it would be very appreciated. The last thing I want is to start new anxiety wave because of weight - which would probably mean that I would not be able to gain any.

13-08-22, 14:50
I eat something little in the morning and have a decent dinner (meat and veggies and some bread), but no lunch, no snacks.
It's highly likely that you're simply not getting enough calories by eating this way. This alone would cause you to lose weight, and if you have anxiety too, that would just accelerate the rate at which you lose it.

13-08-22, 15:30
Thank you WorryRaptor. It is so hard to control anxiety, so hard...Now I know I will keep on ruminating about this weight loss, but I will try my best to eat a little more and NOT to weigh myself.

I am also worried because I eat bread, and I usually have something sweet after dinner - and still this weight loss...I have to accept that it is due to this horrible continuous state of anxiety. I also should accept what my doctor told me.

13-08-22, 15:49
I have to accept that it is due to this horrible continuous state of anxiety. I also should accept what my doctor told me.

Absolutely :) I lose weight really quickly even when I'm just mildly stressed. Anxiety keeps your body in a constant state of stress, so you're probably burning a lot more energy than you think.

Definitely avoid the scales for a little while and try to make sure you're getting enough calories in your diet.

13-08-22, 16:14
I don’t think 8 pounds in 4 months is drastic at all. I’ve lost much more. All down to anxiety.

from your diet, I reckon you’re not taking enough calories in to compensate for your daily expenditure of them. Anxiety too will burn through calories like a fire. When I was bad I ate perfectly normally including snacks and I still lost loads. You’re under high anxiety atm and not eating enough to compensate. Eat some lunch, maybe get a high calorie drink down you too.

13-08-22, 16:36
I'm very thin and have lost weight without changing the amount I eat. I certainly don't weigh myself now because that just feeds into the "what if" scenario. I got investigated about 2 years ago with the "works" and much to my GP's disappointment, nothing showed up. My life is very challenging and it all got put down to that. Now I just accept that it's possible to lose weight without being terminally ill when you are chronically stressed.

13-08-22, 17:32
Pulisa, thank you very much. I love your replies to my posts, they ALWAYS make me feel better!

Darksky, yes I will start including lunch too. Thank you so much, and everyone who chimed in! Love you guys, and the Forum has proved to be such a huge help so many times. I feel privileged to be here, and be able to ask and get answers, and sometimes offer words of comfort to others too.

14-08-22, 08:23
I lost two stone on the stressed shitless diet (and within a few months)

14-08-22, 21:38
It seems like it's a mix of your anxiety and just that you're not eating very much. My weight can fluxuate by up to 5 pounds from day to day based on where I am in my cycle, how much I ate the night before, if I'm regular or constipated, etc... So, 8 pounds i 4 months would not worry me at all. For those trying to lose weight about a pound a week is considered healthy. You've only lost half that much.

24-08-22, 14:27
Guys, thank you all so much for your replies.