View Full Version : Petrified about the what if

16-08-22, 08:47
I am going for my yearly mammogram and ultrasound today. Purely routine. But I am absolutely petrified. I had my first one last year and cried the whole way through it, not because it was painful but because I was so scared something was wrong. I have the same feelings today. I'm so afraid they will find something. Anyone any ideas how to calm my mind.

16-08-22, 13:30
I'm sorry, I don't have time to give a personal reply to you right now......but I've found this thread from recently, which deals with all the same fears you have. I made some replies on there that might help ?


16-08-22, 17:20
Thank you Carys. I read your messages in the other thread. They made a lot of sense. I'm in UAE so they do it on the spot, and an ultrasound and tell you there and the. The results so no hanging around. Everything was fine. Thanks so much for the reply x

16-08-22, 17:27
Well done for going and great news about the results - you are so very lucky to be able to get quick on the spot results ! Jealous.

16-08-22, 18:10
Oh you are so lucky not to have to wait!! That's the worst bit imo.

Very good news for you!