View Full Version : Crazy tongue symptoms + blood tests

16-08-22, 21:08
Hi Everyone,

Really tough time recently. Wondering if anyone on here can share experiences.

Earlier this year mega (after a super stressful 12 months personally) sore gums at back of mouth, followed by feeling that back of tongue & throat were swollen on one side. I'd had COVID a month or so before that.
Dentist checked & couldn't really see much.
I have always had severe health anxiety, so symptoms persisted.

Roll on a few months & a really sore & red patchy tongue. Tip was burning & I was losing patches of taste buds. That would last for a couple of weeks & then resolve.
Yellow coating noticed by nurse & tested for thrush but negative. Was given the treatment anyway & that helped.

After treatment it got worse.

Tongue felt like it was swollen & I was having trouble talking. It kinda wasn't though.
Metallic taste in mouth & tongue felt like it had been boiled.
Again, losing large areas of akin from tongue & left with red areas, that eventually resolve.

Had some bloods done.

Vit B12 & thyroids etc all fine.
Kidneys & liver fine.
Cholesterol mega high, was treated with statins & came down quickly + diet changes as well.

Ferritin slightly high, just out of normal range.
Testosterone low & out of normal range.

I feel mega fit apart from the horrible mouth symptoms.

Last night my tongue was moving uncontrollably in mouth during the night. Tongue also has teeth marks on it.

Anyone there to comment?

Thanks :)

17-08-22, 10:00
Last night my tongue was moving uncontrollably in mouth during the night. Tongue also has teeth marks on it.
Thanks :)

This is called 'scalloping'. It's very common. (I have this)

Do you clench or grind your teeth?

17-08-22, 11:09
Yeah my wife says she has heard it at night. I have woken in AM with stiff jaw muscles so def something happening. I have had a clicky left jaw joint & stiff neck as well. I wondered if the sore tongue was just it being sick of pressed up against teeth.

Obviously I googled scalloped tongue & found amyloidosis...which means I'm ****ed. Obviously.

Just want to get the testo & ferritin examined.

17-08-22, 11:42
Yeah my wife says she has heard it at night. I have woken in AM with stiff jaw muscles so def something happening. I have had a clicky left jaw joint & stiff neck as well. I wondered if the sore tongue was just it being sick of pressed up against teeth.

Obviously I googled scalloped tongue & found amyloidosis...which means I'm ****ed. Obviously.

Just want to get the testo & ferritin examined.

Sounds like TMJ to me (I am literally going through this shite right now, only I clench my teeth together rather than grind them)

17-08-22, 12:05
Same here. Dentist couldn't really see any real damage (as I don't grind as such), but I have bony growths under gum that come from the extra force of clenching vs grinding. He put his finger in my ears & asked to open & close jaw, and basically confirmed TMJ on left (joint crunches, you can feel it). Explains left side neck pain as well.

I was super worried about a swollen tongue, like I say that can have consequences for a guy at 50. But I think it isn't swollen, just sore from constant probing, clenching, pushing, worrying etc.

Tongue is a real pain though. Burns at tip. Better after I switched out toothpaste for one that has no SLS in as foaming agent.

17-08-22, 14:49
I was super worried about a swollen tongue, like I say that can have consequences for a guy at 50. But I think it isn't swollen, just sore from constant probing, clenching, pushing, worrying etc.

Tongue is a real pain though. Burns at tip. Better after I switched out toothpaste for one that has no SLS in as foaming agent.

I have the 'swollen tongue' sensation. It's not actually swollen (looks normal size) but it feels like it's too big for my mouth. I also have pain down one side right down to the tip. Also, a pressure feeling in my ear (same side) and sometimes throat pain that feels muscular. And of course, the popping noise. Unsurprising symptoms given as it's all connected in there. I was given a mouth guard to wear (I'm wearing it now because I tense my jaw when I type)

It's really difficult to cope with a sore tongue and it's literally driving me INSANE!! You really do have my sympathy here, SB..

17-08-22, 14:58
Crikey I literally could have written the same word for word.

Tongue feels swollen at back on left side, down into throat (or feels like it). Throat on same side feels like something is pulled or tight - almost like it could do with a massage if you could get in there. Best way I could describe ear is 'full'. Nice to get finger in ear & wiggle it but it doesn't really do anything.

Had a bit of a meltdown a couple of weeks back when tongue just felt too big & I thought I was biting on it. So I was super conscious about it, which probably led to catching it, which probably med to me thinking confirmed swollen. Solution was to get drunk which funnily enough eased the symptoms....!

Jaw every couple of weeks cracks so loud my wife can hear it. Just on the left side though where all the symptoms are.

When everything is kicking off I even get sensitivity in my left hand side front teeth - and a quick check shows that a muscle important for jaw movement inserts there, so maybe referred pain.

Tongue is the worst though - kinda burning & red at tip again today :(

17-08-22, 16:01
Tongue is the worst though - kinda burning & red at tip again today :(

Mine feels like I burned it (except that I haven't)

Unfortunately, I can't drink anymore (chemical sensitivity) otherwise I'd be self-medicating with a few real ales lol

17-08-22, 16:37
Again exact same. Seems to vary between (now) a scalded feeling, almost like I have sipped coffee that was way too hot. There's a sort of numbness that accompanies it as well. Couple of weeks ago it felt more "salty" like I constantly had just eaten a super salty meal. Anti histamines seem to help a bit (prob just placebo mind...) but the big deal was swapping toothpaste for a kinder version.

All a load of fun eh? Scalloped & burning tongue. Great :(