View Full Version : Getting really worried about bone cancer

18-08-22, 16:20
Hi all,
It’s been years since I’ve been concerned about a possible health condition to the point of panic but here I am. To be fair, I’m mostly worried now and then, rather than being constantly excessively fearful. I’ve made a lot of progress in my HA over the years. 🙂
Anyway, about a month ago I started having a deep, aching to burning pain on the inside of my mid to lower shin bone. The pain mostly happens when my legs are at rest and there is no tenderness. It comes and goes and seems to hurt more when I’m laying/leaning/sitting on that side. It doesn’t hurt when I put full weight on that leg. After several days of being stumped by what it could be (even Dr Google couldn’t explain it) I saw my doctor. He had no idea what it was either. He’s a good doctor that I like- he never rushes and seems to take the time to consider all rational possibilities. It seemed his only concern was -maybe- a fracture but there was no tenderness or swelling. The pulse in my foot was fine too. He ended up putting in an order for an X-ray just in case there was maybe a small fracture but he presented it as something I didn’t NEED to do but might put my mind at ease. Naturally, I haven’t done it because 80% of my brain is afraid they’ll find a bone tumor. The more logical 20% tells me I should just do it so it can show there’s nothing concerning there.
I’ve also had intermittent pain/aching (never a sharp pain) in the back of my leg near my glute when I’m walking as well as occasional pain/aching in my calf muscle. I have a history of sciatic pain but this feels NOTHING like that (that’s usually sharp, sudden pain that shoots down my leg.) I feel like a classic HA sufferer when I add this but I also feel like the veins on that area of my shin are more prominent now. (Doc agreed that the veins do look more visible on that leg than the other.) In the week following the appointment it seemed like it was improving but I was getting more pain in my calf instead. The last couple days the shin pain has been more noticeable again.
I’ve also been sweating in my sleep. This is not especially abnormal for me (I’m pretty sure either my antidepressants or hormones are to blame) but it’s been worse over the past couple of weeks.
Doc wanted to follow up with me so I have a phone appointment with him next week. I feel like I don’t have much to update him on. Wondering if I should voice my concern about possible cancer? I suppose I should get that X-ray but ugh, so nervous.
Thoughts? What on earth could be causing this pain? This is a new one to me and I’m feeling afraid today.
Thanks for reading!

ETA: Dr Google did say that bone tumors cause a deep ache that can come and go. Also my husband’s nephew is fighting a type of bone cancer, so it’s definitely in the forefront of my mind. He was diagnosed after just having localized pain.

12-12-22, 19:14
Hi! Did you ever get an answer on this?

This sounds almost exactly like the issues I've been having with my left leg for about 6 months now, starting after I woke up with a charlie horse one night in June. I keep trying to tell myself it's postural/musculoskeletal (I sit all day for my job and definitely have shortened/tight muscles bc of it) but of course more sinister things keep trying to worm their way in. Bone cancer is one of the rarest cancers and I'm not in the most common demographic for it, but I understand the fear. I was wondering if you'd ever gotten an answer, if it went away, etc.