View Full Version : Foamy & cloudy urine, instant panic

18-08-22, 21:29
So it’s that typical HA episode, me I suffer with HA terribly. It stems from my mum dying when I was 7 from a brain tumour. So anything off with me is instant death in my mind. Recently I’ve been noticing my urine is foamy and it doesn’t matter how much water I drink, if i sit down or anything. It’s foamy. It does improve with hydration but that’s drinking lots. The cloudy urine isn’t my biggest concern. I’m not even sure it’s cloudy, it’s yellow/green and just seems off. Obviously I’m tracking this to my kidneys and I’m terrified I’m going to die of a sudden kidney injury. Im on a very high protein diet and i gym religiously. I have no other symptoms at all. I have the odd back pain and the odd weird feeling around my abdomen but this could be work/gym related. I go gym everyday and since the foamy urine I’ve introduced cardio into my sessions as a mental thing to prove that if I can smash cardio to the level I am, surely nothing is wrong with me? I’ve sent a urine sample off and stool sample as I had a long episode of loose bowels (TMI I know) blood test for 2nd September. Can anyone put me at ease, any similar situations? I’m losing my mind over this. Sorry for the paragraph I needed a vent.

18-08-22, 23:28
So it’s that typical HA episode

Indeed it is and you also say you needed to vent. You know deep down you're Ok and you know this is just the dragon blowing fire down your back ;)


19-08-22, 18:14
Indeed it is and you also say you needed to vent. You know deep down you're Ok and you know this is just the dragon blowing fire down your back ;)


Exactly! I have been peeing frequently, and I did a home dipstick (again so ridiculous because I’ve already sent of a sample) and it came with a hint of protein, so again I’m stressed but I know there’s so so many factors that can cause this. I’ve had a lot of issues. I’m 23 years old and I’m in good shape and train legit every day, I used to drink loads but not for months. I think I’ll be okay, I love this website it truly is nice to see it’s not just me. My friends think I’m absolutely bonkers.

19-08-22, 20:08
You're not alone with your worries!

Well done for carrying on at the gym. It's great you're using something that scares you to motivate you into getting into better shape. Continuing to do the things you love and not letting these fears overwhelm you is such a useful way to carry on with life until your blood tests in September. Let us know your results, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they came back showing you're fine. :)

19-08-22, 20:36
You're not alone with your worries!

Well done for carrying on at the gym. It's great you're using something that scares you to motivate you into getting into better shape. Continuing to do the things you love and not letting these fears overwhelm you is such a useful way to carry on with life until your blood tests in September. Let us know your results, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they came back showing you're fine. :)

Thank you man! I’ve gymed for a long time without it I’d be lost. I think I’d deffo be a lot more ill or tired if something on a bigger scale was happening :) first urine results then blood tests. Either way. We take it one step at a time. Have you ever had any similar experiences?

19-08-22, 22:01
I have cloudy piss quite a lot, multiple times a month sometimes for days at a time. That's actually why I clicked on your thread. I've always wondered it it was actually cloudy or if I was just disturbing something in the toilet water, like a cleaning agent or something else. I think it is cloudy though and I've wondered if I should speak to a doctor about it. I don't get blood, I don't get pain when I urinate (except sometimes after sex, but I put that down to it "cleaning out the tubes"), so I've managed to keep my health anxiety at bay over it.

When it comes to foamy, I've noticed it bubble more than normal sometimes. Urine bubbles, that's a fact - it's actually a way they can tell if someone's produced a fake urine sample; if the sample isn't bubbly/foamy then it's fake.

I don't know if what you describe as foamy is what I describe as bubbly or not.

By the way, there's a certain drink full of vitamins and protein that I drink that makes my piss almost a fluorescent green/yellow colour. It's like something out of an alien film or something. I wonder if you take any supplements or protein shakes for your workouts that could make your urine seem different to normal. Something to consider.

20-08-22, 05:48
I have cloudy piss quite a lot, multiple times a month sometimes for days at a time. That's actually why I clicked on your thread. I've always wondered it it was actually cloudy or if I was just disturbing something in the toilet water, like a cleaning agent or something else. I think it is cloudy though and I've wondered if I should speak to a doctor about it. I don't get blood, I don't get pain when I urinate (except sometimes after sex, but I put that down to it "cleaning out the tubes"), so I've managed to keep my health anxiety at bay over it.

When it comes to foamy, I've noticed it bubble more than normal sometimes. Urine bubbles, that's a fact - it's actually a way they can tell if someone's produced a fake urine sample; if the sample isn't bubbly/foamy then it's fake.

I don't know if what you describe as foamy is what I describe as bubbly or not.

By the way, there's a certain drink full of vitamins and protein that I drink that makes my piss almost a fluorescent green/yellow colour. It's like something out of an alien film or something. I wonder if you take any supplements or protein shakes for your workouts that could make your urine seem different to normal. Something to consider.

I do take protein shakes yeah but I always have, so I don’t think it’s that. And when I say foam it looks like genuine foam. It’s a fair amount in the morning but improves with hydration, however the cloudy look does not subside. Again I have no other symptoms what’s so ever apart from a urinate a lot now. Double digits per day. This has all be going on about a week now, potentially an infection of some sort. The body is so strange. But yeah I’m sure if it was kidneys or diabetes I wouldn’t feel as good as I do. The only thing that feels bad with my body at the moment is my brain from worrying lol.

16-11-22, 10:02
So, I made a post a few weeks back regarding foamy urine. The symptoms have not improved but I don’t think anything has got worse. I have big dark circles around my eyes but I think that’s anxiety and working 2 jobs at once. Anyway, I went for a urine test and the sample came back A okay, i then had bloods taken and my kidney function was fine and GFR around 90. I went for a private blood test the following month and my GFR was 61…. So yeah brilliant. However I’m into bodybuilding and train extremely hard and eat a lot of protein and consume 75g of protein in shakes alone daily. My plan is now to drop rhat significantly as I see no reason for that amount of protein even if I do want to become the size of a house. Another huge factor I believe was the fact I was eating beef mince everyday at the time. Funny enough I didn’t know that would negatively impact my reading until yesterday where I booked in another blood test at the Gp and they recommended no red meat for 48 hours. So I believe that played a part. The foam is still hugely present and is making me lose my mind, I have a blood test on the 26/11 and we will see what that reads. I’m worried from the sudden drop but that would explain a lot. My creatinine levels and urea levels were also elevated pretty high.

16-11-22, 13:26

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-11-22, 02:32
Let us know what the results of your test are mate. :)

01-03-23, 17:20
Hi mate, what was the outcome of your test results?