View Full Version : Heart palpitations and health anxiety

21-08-22, 00:36
I have suffered from heart palpations for the best part of 25 years along with crippling health anxiety, which makes me petrified of even going near a doctor or hospital. I have diagnosed myself with everything and currently convinced I have a brain tumor or serious heart condition. When I first got them I did go to a doctor and he just said I was suffering from anxiety (https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALiCzsYcnIUQqc2cffuPHIJeQwVADpMAdQ:16 61038458158&q=anxiety&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj01Ya6ytb5AhWTRWwGHbIsCMwQkeECKAB6BAgCE DU)

I had some quite weird visual disturbances a few months ago which were so worrying I ran to the emergency ward of the local eye hospital and spent four hours having my eyes examined only to be told I have visual migraines triggered by excessive screen use. They also attached the heart thing when they examined me and said do I suffer from anxiety as my blood pressure was on the high side. My vision has got pretty crappy but been to a optiction and she said my eyes are ok and its just the aging process. I am 52.

Back to the palpitations. I was stuck overseas for a year because of COVID and did not suffer a single episode. Soon as I return to my country, Australia off they go again. Mine do seem to be very random and food seems to be a real trigger. I think when they hit I get so worked up, feels like I am gonna pass out. I am a pretty active person and in the past few weeks I have really pushed myself excessively and not suffered any. I tend to do a average of 18-000 steps a day so I'm quite fit. This blasted things seem to hit when I am not doing anything or can be quite bad when I eat but again thats not all the time.