View Full Version : Weird sudden jaw/toothache since hairdresser visit

21-08-22, 18:28
I don't know if it is related or what, but I was at hairdresser yesterday and about an hour after I came home my lower left jaw felt 'bruised' and tender and I felt pressure when I bit down on my back tooth. It had eased off by this morning when I got up and I now only feel a mild pressure but jaw still feels tender. Also having intermittent achy 'waves' and have a feeling of feeling of fullness and tension going around the back of my my head like tension and both ears feel 'full' and some tension in both cheekbones and headache. Feeling very tense and stuffy

Must admit to feeling uncomfortable at the washbasin - those wretched sinks are not comfortable on the neck. Weird that this started all of a sudden after I got back and I'm starting to wonder whether I have triggered some nerve lying over that basin.

Anyone else experienced similar?