View Full Version : Do I need a tetanus shot? Should I be worried about tetanus?

22-08-22, 16:49
Yesterday, a hook from the wall in my room fell and as I picked it up, I noticed the nail on the back kind of poked my finger. Like a prick. Nothing hard or didn't penetrate my skin. But it kind of poked me and like I noticed a little tiny hole but like it's not a wound nor did it bleed. I'm worried about the nail pricking my skin, and like the nail has been in the wall for some time but has always been indoors.
Should I be worried about tetanus? Do I have to get a tetanus shot now? I read that it's only with deep wounds. I also had my tetanus shot last in 2010, which is over 10 years ago, but I've read that immunity can last for longer.
Any advice is appreciated!

22-08-22, 19:22
Yesterday, a hook from the wall in my room fell and as I picked it up, I noticed the nail on the back kind of poked my finger. Like a prick. Nothing hard or didn't penetrate my skin. But it kind of poked me and like I noticed a little tiny hole but like it's not a wound nor did it bleed. I'm worried about the nail pricking my skin, and like the nail has been in the wall for some time but has always been indoors.
Should I be worried about tetanus? Do I have to get a tetanus shot now? I read that it's only with deep wounds. I also had my tetanus shot last in 2010, which is over 10 years ago, but I've read that immunity can last for longer.
Any advice is appreciated!

This doesn’t seem like a tetanus worry, but it never hurts to stay up to date on the vaccine. I’m due in 2 years and plan to get it because then I just never have to worry about this.

22-08-22, 20:13
Thanks! So I shouldn't be too worried? You don't think it's concerning or I should be worried about getting a vaccine now?

22-08-22, 20:30
Anyone else?

22-08-22, 22:39
Thanks! So I shouldn't be too worried? You don't think it's concerning or I should be worried about getting a vaccine now?

I’m not a tetanus expert. But it thought it had to be a deeper cut than what you’re describing. I probably wouldn’t run out for a tetanus shot for this. But at some point I’d get one just so you don’t need to worry moving forward.

22-08-22, 23:08
Anyone else?

Reassurance seeking is like the dragon with a bag of Lay's :winks:....



23-08-22, 16:45
Tetanus usually comes from the soil, not the metal or the cut itself. So if you stepped on wire outside, or a rusty nail on the ground, it would be cause for concern. A nail indoors wouldn't be an issue. That said, I agree with Erin - it's still a good idea to keep up to date on the vaccine, just to be safe.