View Full Version : Ovarian pain - full on panic

27-08-22, 22:08
Hi everyone -

I’ve been having pain in my right lower abdomen for a month. It started on vacation when I ovulated and never went away. For a couple of days when the pain started I felt “off” and really tired, but that quickly passed and I went back to enjoying vacation, but always aware of the pain.

I’ve now been home for three weeks and went to the drs on Friday. He is sending me for an ultrasound and said it could be muscular or it could be an ovarian pain - hard to say without the u/s. I’m trying to remain calm but I’m in full on panic and convinced it will be OC. It mostly hurts when Im moving around or bending and the pain has been radiating into my hip. It’s usually fine in the AM and then progresses in the day.

At first I thought that maybe it was from the antibiotics I was on and then even considered the minor car accident that we were involved in a few weeks before, but logically I’m sure it’s a cyst and my HA tells me it will be the bad kind.

I’m trying not to burden my husband as he’s been down this road with me too many times as have my friends. Just feeling miserable and needed to vent with people who get it.

Sel xo

28-08-22, 07:42

I had similar once & I think it was my ovarian cyst rupturing/draining. I’d been diagnosed with 1 a year before (it hasn’t caused any pain, it was a bit of a surprise diagnosis).

Mid lockdown, I had sharp kind of ovulation pains that lasted a couple of days, but I had a pain when I walked for about a week too. My dr sent me for an urgent scan thinking my cyst had ruptured, and when I had it about a week later they couldn’t find anything.

So I think what I’m trying to say is that it could be a perfectly harmless cyst or maybe a fibroid. But a cyst will often hurt when you bend. Or it could be nothing like mine was in the end.

Keep posting if you like, it would be good to see how you get on x

28-08-22, 09:12
I had a similar pain a few weeks ago. I had my annual women's check up a few weeks later so waited until I spoke with the doctor. I have had 8 rounds of fertility treatment so I was quite worried I had done something. Anyway, she explained to me as we get older our ovaries "get tired" and sometimes they get sore and worn out. I'm 43, 44 next month. She did smear and ultrasound (which is normal practice here) and told me everything was fine in the spot. Funnily enough, the pain went away.

28-08-22, 10:36

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


28-08-22, 14:07
Thank you both for responding and sharing your experiences. I’m so glad you’re both fine!!! I’ve been in a really bad swirl for the last 7 years, a few breaks here and there, and this one has really come out of nowhere.

I believe I had a ruptured cyst a few years ago, but by the time I had the u/s, there was nothing to see, but fluid. This pain has been lasting a full month though, although I did speak to a couple of friends who said that they’ve had pain with cysts for months. I’m so envious by how they dealt with it - they didn’t panic. they just went to their drs

I know I’m swirling again. I’m just so tired of worrying. It feels like I’m always worrying about something and now here I am. I’m really worried that with the u/s, they’ll tell me that they need to run more tests and that’s my biggest fear right now. I see everyone else having fun and all the time, I’m always thinking something is going to happen to me.

Thx again for reading. xo

29-08-22, 14:14
Do you have a date for your u/s yet, sel?

29-08-22, 14:30
I do - it’s tomorrow afternoon! I’ll be glad to have it done. The first few weeks of discomfort, I was hoping it would just go away, but since that’s not going to happen, better to see what is causing all of this. As we all know, it’s the waiting that really is the worst!! Thank you for asking xo

29-08-22, 17:43
I'm so glad it's tomorrow..and I hope you get a satisfactory explanation there and then don't have to endure a further wait for the official results x

30-08-22, 02:15
Good luck for today, let us know how you get on.

30-08-22, 19:32
Thanks for the kind words and checking in. The whole thing (internal and external) took about 15 minutes.I asked at the end if she could tell me anything and she seemed annoyed that I asked and said she couldn’t. So now I have to wait until I hear from the dr.

30-08-22, 22:03
Well that was annoying.
But when I had a weird looking cyst, he told me he was referring me directly to the gynaecologist. They usually get the results quite soon, so you shouldn’t have to wait too long.

01-09-22, 15:01
Hi! Good news… turns out it’s harmless fibroids causing the pain. Thank you so much for your support and for listening. I’m going to do what I promised myself I would do and that’s work on my anxiety!!! xoxo

01-09-22, 16:41
Oh that’s good news. They can still be painful though, so don’t write the discomfort off. But do work on your anxiety! We all say we will, but it’s hard sometimes. Take care x

01-09-22, 17:57
I'm so pleased to hear that your worst fears didn't come true but obviously fibroids are still a pain..literally. At least the pain is now explained pain.

I think you will make some really good inroads into your anxiety now x

03-09-22, 09:19
Hi! Good news… turns out it’s harmless fibroids causing the pain. Thank you so much for your support and for listening. I’m going to do what I promised myself I would do and that’s work on my anxiety!!! xoxo

Yay that’s brilliant news for you. So pleased for you. Will they be removing them for you to help with pain?

08-09-22, 12:57
Well I think I got a little too excited! After speaking to the assistant, I spoke to the dr directly and he explained that the u/s (internal and external) was clear except for a small fibroid which likely wouldn’t cause pain because it’s only 2 cms. He suggested that maybe it could be muscular but I wasn’t doing anything physical around that time. He’s not worried at all. We did have a car accident a few weeks before this all started, but I feel like I’m just searching for a reason, but nothing really makes sense. It makes me sad to be in this spot and I refrained from posting, hoping that the feeling would just go away. Last year I dealt with unexplained pain in my underarm for 5 months and my anxiety was the worst it’s ever been. I would love to just stay in bed or sit on the couch as I don’t really feel anything until I start moving around - of course, I can’t do that. Anyway, just sharing an update and if anyone has any advice, I would love to hear. xo

** also, I should also say that it’s more like twinges of pain (discomfort) from my ovaries to my hip! But everything else seems ok - cycle etc.

09-09-22, 21:51
But that’s still pretty good! Fibroids can still cause pain.

Hope you’re ok x

10-09-22, 08:07
Well I think I got a little too excited! After speaking to the assistant, I spoke to the dr directly and he explained that the u/s (internal and external) was clear except for a small fibroid which likely wouldn’t cause pain because it’s only 2 cms. He suggested that maybe it could be muscular but I wasn’t doing anything physical around that time. He’s not worried at all. We did have a car accident a few weeks before this all started, but I feel like I’m just searching for a reason, but nothing really makes sense. It makes me sad to be in this spot and I refrained from posting, hoping that the feeling would just go away. Last year I dealt with unexplained pain in my underarm for 5 months and my anxiety was the worst it’s ever been. I would love to just stay in bed or sit on the couch as I don’t really feel anything until I start moving around - of course, I can’t do that. Anyway, just sharing an update and if anyone has any advice, I would love to hear. xo

** also, I should also say that it’s more like twinges of pain (discomfort) from my ovaries to my hip! But everything else seems ok - cycle etc.

I don't think that searching for a reason will help you, sel. Your scans were completely clear apart from a tiny fibroid which appears to be insignificant. You are trying to make sense of sensations which are unexplained but benign and these twinges aren't connected to your ovaries. It does sound far more likely to be something muscular as you have pain when you start moving around. The doctor isn't worried at all but you still are so you will be focusing on it and wanting to solve something which may not be possible. These things happen and they pass like your unexplained armpit pain.

10-09-22, 14:45
Thank you both for responding!! It’s very much appreciated. And you’re right Pulisa, this may remain unexplained.

I’m racking my brain trying to figure out what could cause hip pain/twinges (more on the outside and sometimes top of my hip). Pain isn’t really accurate as it’s more of an electric twinge if that makes sense.. I haven’t really been active lately and we were on vacation when this started so I don’t see what I could have done. I don’t know if it’s worth going back to my dr and maybe asking for an x-ray? I broke the golden HA rule and googled and read that Cervical C can sometimes cause hip pain - I’ve had my smear so just waiting for results but have kept up with getting these every theee years. I’m not really sure what else is around my hip? I think all other organs are higher. Sorry, Im just putting my thoughts down here and I know I’m obsessing which I shouldn’t be doing. HA is a literal nightmare and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

thx again


10-09-22, 16:46
"I'm racking my brain trying to figure out" etc etc..Really try not to do this? It won't help. An xray will be of little use and will just be unnecessary radiation.

If you rack your brains on google you know what will come up..as it has.

You've ruled out OC..Please don't "investigate" other sources for what sounds to be sporadic discomfort/twinges? You know what it does to you x

11-09-22, 20:38
Thanks Pulisa.

I’ve decided that I will call my GP and let him
know that the pain is more in my hip now - my husband wants me to as well as I’ve been moping around all weekend and am not sleeping. I feel like I’m here but not, if that makes sense. The pain triggers my anxiety so once I start moving, my anxiety kicks in, so it’s not even something I can avoid. I’m not looking forward to more tests, but at the same time, I need to try and understand what is causing the pain. I’m not really taking care of myself (eating properly, sleeping, exercising etc) and I’m afraid the longer the pain lasts, the longer my mood will too. I can’t even talk to my friends about this anymore as this will just seem like the latest in a string of physical symptoms.

Appreciate all your support and advice.


11-09-22, 20:49
Yes i understand how you feel and you must make a plan and stick to it, I think? To give you some direction if you feel that you won't be able to cope without some form of explanation. An MRI would be the best option if your GP suggests one.

Good luck and I'm sorry that you are so distressed. I hope you get some answers and some peace xx

11-09-22, 22:16
Thank you and thank you for taking the time to help me. It’s people like you that make this forum the best. xo

12-09-22, 17:55
That's a lovely thing to say and thank you. Please let us know what your GP says? xx