View Full Version : Sharp pain when I move my head to the left

29-08-22, 02:21
I have a stabbing pain when moving my head to the left. Pain is located on the left side and I am very scared. Google doesn't say anything about this, I've found something about ice pick headaches but this occurs only when I move my head.
I had a lot of stress lately, could it be some sort of tension headache or something worse like stroke that is coming or aneuryism?

29-08-22, 07:33
It could well be tension. When I'm stressed/anxious I tend to end up with neck and shoulder pain and even it takes a while to recover. Massaging the area helps me and tensing and relaxing, I Sometimes use ibuprofen gel.

29-08-22, 13:37
I don't know, it still hurts, since last night and after sleep is no better. I am so scared. It's behind my ear, left side of the head. Like some blood clot or something like that.

29-08-22, 14:45
It really doesn't sound like a blood clot or anything serious.

Try putting something warm on that side of your head.

If it continues over the next week then you should get it checked out but I really don't think it is anything life threatening.

29-08-22, 14:56
Thank you. I really hope it will pass.

29-08-22, 21:16
There are a lot of muscles with trigger points in the scalp which can get very sore when tense


30-08-22, 18:24
It isn't such painful like first day but I stil have it when I move my head to the left. Sometimes not but very often yes. I am worried now that is the sign of incoming stroke. It says somewhere there could be signs seven days prior to stroke.