View Full Version : Left side breast pain - mixed results from scans

29-08-22, 06:16
Dear All,

Been a while since i have been on here, pretty busy with a newborn- now toddler 😚. So during my breastfeeding adventure i had some lumps that wouldnt go away and had some scans. Nothing came out. Around that time my left breast also started to occasionally have shooting pains or be tender in one spot on the side. I paid for a private breast mri for piece of mind, or so i thought…..

Around the area of pain the consultant saw ‘something’. He said 90% sure it was benign but i needed biopsy. Birads 4. Back to hospital and they did ultrasound and mammo, re-reviewed the still images of the mri and concluded it was normal breast tissue, so no biopsy needed. Birads 1. Wait what? How is this possible?

Fast forward a year, im still having the pain, not necessarily worse but i am more aware i suppose…went back for a second opinion bec still worried but by now i am pregnant so they only did a physical examn and ultrasound. All clear again. They did look at the mri stills again and also she thought it was overrated, though she did state that with stills they dont see all the ‘programs’ the original radiologist saw and so she is not sure what he thinks he saw, but to her all looks normal for my age (33).

Now two months later my left armpit it started to hurt and i have absolutely convinced myself i have breastcancer that has now spread to my nodes and i will not see my babies grow up as no one will help me out anymore 😭😢. Even if i pushed there is nothing more they can do while pregnant or breastfeeding, so i feel doomed…

Im beyond myself with sadness and fear. If anyone has similar story or any comforting words, please.. i need you..

31-08-22, 07:14
No one? 😩

31-08-22, 12:54
Dear All,

Been a while since i have been on here, pretty busy with a newborn- now toddler . So during my breastfeeding adventure i had some lumps that wouldnt go away and had some scans. Nothing came out. Around that time my left breast also started to occasionally have shooting pains or be tender in one spot on the side. I paid for a private breast mri for piece of mind, or so i thought…..

Around the area of pain the consultant saw ‘something’. He said 90% sure it was benign but i needed biopsy. Birads 4. Back to hospital and they did ultrasound and mammo, re-reviewed the still images of the mri and concluded it was normal breast tissue, so no biopsy needed. Birads 1. Wait what? How is this possible?

Fast forward a year, im still having the pain, not necessarily worse but i am more aware i suppose…went back for a second opinion bec still worried but by now i am pregnant so they only did a physical examn and ultrasound. All clear again. They did look at the mri stills again and also she thought it was overrated, though she did state that with stills they dont see all the ‘programs’ the original radiologist saw and so she is not sure what he thinks he saw, but to her all looks normal for my age (33).

Now two months later my left armpit it started to hurt and i have absolutely convinced myself i have breastcancer that has now spread to my nodes and i will not see my babies grow up as no one will help me out anymore . Even if i pushed there is nothing more they can do while pregnant or breastfeeding, so i feel doomed…

Im beyond myself with sadness and fear. If anyone has similar story or any comforting words, please.. i need you..

Sounds like you’ve had all the tests needed and all ok. If you are breastfeeding it’s more than likely from that, plus you being hyper vigilant about the pain. Easy for me to say as I know ho hard it is when you are having those awful thoughts. I bet it’s a case of another new born, hormones and breast feeding. If you’re prone to anxiety, being a mum often makes our anxiety worse - that’s what I found.

31-08-22, 13:47

I read your original post and I think you possibly didn't have your replies as its so very specific and individual in terms of details, tests, results and continuing problems. I'm not saying thats a bad thing or being critical, but on a generalised anxiety forum there possibly won't be many who have experienced anything similar that matches your situation. I would honestly suggest taking your query over to Breast Cancer Now - I am NOT saying in any shape or form that you have BC!!!! - as they have forum pages and helplines for people who are concerned, have been told conflicting information, are experiencing symptoms and have benign conditions. Basically, they are there for any Breast concerns, and not just for those with cancer. You are clearly very frightened and maybe talking to someone there, on the helpline might be good ?


12-12-22, 20:47
I have had this pain on my left side for many years now. I’ve lost count on the number of times I’ve done ct scans, ultrasounds & mammograms of my breasts & each time it came back clear. The pain got worse but nothing was showing up on my tests. After many years my new family doctor made me stand up and press on my front ribs. He said the pain is coming from the ribs not the breast. I also convinced them to send me to a specialist & the rheumatologist did bone scan of my upper body using contract again it came back clear.
He said pain like is comes from stress, lack of sleep & poor diet.