View Full Version : Constant upper central stomach pain scared.

31-08-22, 12:51
Hello everyone,

For the last 9 weeks my anxiety has been horrendous probs the worst it has been in years. I really am trying to fight my thoughts and say this is just anxiety etc but I’m failing. Started getting chest pains a while ago saw a cardiologist who told me my 14 day ecg was fine, my echocardiogram was fine and that my heart is fine except for a benign murmur. Anyway I have had constant upper stomach pain, I believe it’s the epigastric area right under my diaphragm. It feels tight, like a lump or knot is in there, sometimes it burns or it feels like your hungry but without the growling.

I’m really concerned that the tests on my heart haven’t spotted an issue and this pain is referred pain from my heart. My anxiety and ocd recently has obviously fixated on my heart and I can’t get the thoughts that I’m going to die of a heart attack or cardiac arrest out my head. Especially when this pain in my upper abdomen is there. Just feeling really scared and have been the last 9 weeks.

31-08-22, 17:10
To me it sounds like a gastric problem rather than heart. I've had all the same symptoms, I have a hiatus hernia and reflux, previously had my gallbladder out. PPI medication really helps me, although I ate a lot of rubbish at the weekend and had about 36 hours of agony plus because I got anxious (and the crap I'd eaten) I had an upset tummy as well.

31-08-22, 19:29
My anxiety and ocd recently has obviously fixated on my heart and I can’t get the thoughts that I’m going to die of a heart attack or cardiac arrest out my head.

I see we're in a similar situation right now. :(
I also had symptoms like you in the past, and it turned out to be a matter of bile reflux. I got some meds for it, and was better in a matter of days! Did you try to get a referral to a Gastroenterologist?

I hope you'll feel better soon!

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01-09-22, 13:15
couple of months ago i did have a lot of acid feeling in my stomach and was sometimes burping up food or acid wasn't very nice at all. I logically know this is not my heart and more than likely gastro but its trying to fight against the fears. Ouch not good catkins how are you feeling now?

01-09-22, 13:17
I am sorry to hear that? how are you feeling today? I haven't had a a chance to see the doctor yet, as I have moved and had to register with a new place so not going to get a chance to speak just yet till registration is complete.

01-09-22, 17:01
catkins how are you feeling now?

Fine, it's all settled back down, it was my own silly fault for eating crap.