View Full Version : Headache not going away

31-08-22, 17:25
I am not sure where to start, but I am in need of some support, I don't know what to do to feel better and I am so scared something is terribly wrong!

Basically, I have been having a headache on and off since last Thursday, every single day. Paracetamol and iburpofen help a little bit, but today it feels worse. I have had my BP up recently when I visited A&E and GP a few times, several times due to a headache as well, but I was panicking every time and they put it down to that. But when this headache first started I got it into my head it must be high BP, because I have been really stressed, and imagining astronomic numbers! So I went to GP yesterday and my BP was not really near what I was imagining, it said it was148/97. Considering how terrified I looked, she said that it was not terrible and not likely to be the reason for the headache. More likely it was tension headache due to stress. I had my doubts about the BP reading, but I don't want to open that can of worms! But I decided to go for a massage last night hoping it would help, and afterwards I felt fine.
However today it is much worse then it felt this whole time! Pain is all over, even between my eyes, the top of my head feels like something heavy is pressing me down and sides being pressed. My forehead and the back of the head hurts too! And when it gets bad it is like my eyes can't focus and I feel uncoordinated in a way, like I was finding it hard to write easily, like my muscles feel weak. The whole head feels like it is being squeezed in, to the point I can't think and I am also getting some weird sensations across scalp and some more painful spots around the head. I am so scared and feel like this will never end.
I have pain in my neck as well when I stretch it sideways and backwards, had the neck pain for a while and I was wondering if this could be the reason, but it is hard to believe you can experience this kind of pain due to neck tension...
I have a lot of stress in my life right now, but as do many others...there were redundancies in my team, which has culminated last week with people being notified, but there are also some ongoing issues with that. Then just financially being squeezed from all sides, like probably lot of people. But having a few surprise bills that really set me back...but it is not my first time to be under stress!

I know this must seem like a lot of jumbled up thoughts! This is how I feel right now! I had a few days off after the last week's events to try and relax, but that has obviously not worked and I am dreading being back at work tomorrow. But on the other hand, after events such as those, I am worried about taking more time and being seen as unable to deal with something that can happen to every business, giving them reason to doubt me and my abilities...

31-08-22, 18:00
It could be tension, I get a lot of headaches/neck aches when I'm anxious, it's like the muscles have forgotten how to relax. It might be worth contacting your GP again, I'm saying this not because I think it's anything serious, but because I once had a sinus infection that went on for what felt like ages, I could barely move my head without it hurting, nothing touched the pain, but a short course of antibiotics and it went away. Now I'm a bit prone to them so I know the earlier signs and can sort it out myself with decongestants, steam etc.

With regards to the stress side of things, what coping techniques do you use? Do you do grounding exercises, guided meditation, yoga? A lot of things like that really help me when I'm feeling stressed or anxious.

31-08-22, 20:54
Thank you for your reply, Catkins! I do sometimes wonder about sinuses when I have a headache, but this does not feel like it. Especially because I feel quite washed out and weird on top of the headache. But worth checking it out I suppose.
I turn to guided meditation and EFT to help me cope, but sometimes it just doesn't quite work.

03-09-22, 12:21
It has now been over a week and I feel the same. I wake up with it. Like a pressure or tightness all around my head, sometimes worse at the top, sometimes worse at the back and temples. Also feel pressure in my eyes... if I massage my head and face I have tender areas around remokes, above eyebrows snd evennext to my nose.
I went back to the doctor and she said it still sounds most like a tension type headache related to stress and anxiety. My BP was again higher, but not terrible and she wants me to take it at home to get a true reading, which is stressing me out in itself.
For a while I have wanted to start exercising, as I have put on a lot of weight and have become quite unfit and just generally to improve my health and chances of my BP going down, but with this headache I am scared to even start...I am truly trying to just go about as normal and distract myself i hope it will go away, but it is so hard to stay positive and not notice the headache...I am now scared to go out by myself or drive. If I break down I feel like I would cry for days, because I am just fed up with something constantly being wrong and with anxiety about being stressed and how to deal with everything. In the meantime something else came up to worry about financially, but people deal with even worse stuff all the time!

06-09-22, 01:58

These sound like headaches I get and I've been having them recently too. They often flare up for me when there are storms due. I don't know whereabouts in England you are but there have been storms around the last few days which could have something to do with it. Pressure changes really mess with my head and my sinuses. I call them crunchy headaches because it feels like my skull is crunching and squeezing too tight.

I've never really gotten a handle on it. I just try paracetamol and ibuprofen and hope for the best. Also lots of hydrating so the sinuses don't dry out.

Also, if you're already prone to headaches, stress and anxiety will just exacerbate things. And it's amazing how bad it can get. When I got a new job and moved, I thought I was going to have to go to hospital I was so ill with day long migraines. After I'd settled in, they just went away. The body is brutal when it's trying to deal with anxiety.

I hope you find some relief soon!