View Full Version : Sock indents on one leg

31-08-22, 20:50

I'm telling myself it's nothing but I made the mistake of googling.

So, the other day I took my socks off and noticed it was painful on my left ankle -like the elastic was stuck to my skin. It left quite a mark and while there's often faint sock marks on both legs this was a lot deeper.

I've wore different socks since but they still seem tighter on that side though not digging in as deeply. I've pressed around there and while the left ankle seems puffier around the sock line it's not soft or swollen - theres no dent when I press around it either. To touch it feels no different to my right (no redness, heat etc) but now I'm panicking it's something more serious.

A while ago I was stretching in bed and pulled my calf twice unexpectedly and I started a desk job a few months ago so I'm hoping it's just stiffness or a result of tucking the foot under my chair all day (I use a pedal at work and left foot doesn't get as much action).

Google is telling me horrible things, of course, and now I'm convinced I'm feeling things in my leg. I'm actually a bit achy all over tbh so I'm trying not to panic and I think I'm hyper focusing on my leg but I'd really appreciate some perspective!

Thanks for reading

31-08-22, 21:16
I found this. Maybe you will find this article helpful too

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31-08-22, 21:32
Thanks! That does help a bit. I'm 28 but overweight and just feel achy these days. I'm not sure how much is down to changing to a desk job though. The more I think about it the more "symptoms" I seem to develop 😭

03-09-22, 21:01
Sitting and being overweight surely can be contributing factors. I know it since I have a sitting job, and I'm obese, but as mentioned sock indentation aren't dangerous. :)

07-09-22, 17:55
Sitting and being overweight surely can be contributing factors. I know it since I have a sitting job, and I'm obese, but as mentioned sock indentation aren't dangerous. :)

Thanks! I keep telling myself it's the weight and sitting but even now I can feel the sock digging in around there and not on the other leg. It's not swollen, red or warm it just leaves a more noticeable dent on that leg 😭