View Full Version : Rash a week after insect bite

04-09-22, 07:36
Hello. About a week ago (could be a day or two more) I was bitten on the ankle by something. I didn't see what it was but it was immediately painful like a bee/wasp sting. There wasn't anything left in the area so assumed it was a wasp. It hurt for a couple of hours but after using ice the pain resided and went away. About 4 days later I started to get itchy around the site of the bite (but not directly on it), and the last couple of days it has got worse. The area is now all over my ankle and it feels hot and incredibly itchy, to the point where it is waking me up at night.

My HA is running wild ATM, thinking of how the reaction is going to spread to the rest of my body and cause much more serious effects than just itching. Has anyone ever had anything like this before? Because I haven't. Thanks for reading. :)