View Full Version : Head and full ear

04-09-22, 14:10
Me again.....I went for my full yearly medical last week. Doc did bloods and ultrasound of heart kidneys liver pancreas thyroid spleen lungs as routine. All good.

I mentioned to him that for a while I've had a full feeling in my ear. He checked and said there was no wax. The full feeling is combined with a pain, more of an ache, at the base of my skull. I have been working out quite a bit lately, using weights and rationally, I'm thinking it is my SCM perhaps. Irrationally, I'm thinking all sorts of bad things. I went for a massage yesterday and she told me my neck was very stiff.

I'm frightened I have something bad going on in my head. However, CBC would have picked something surely?

When I take a voltaren tablet, the pain/ache etc disappears so I'm trying my very best not to worry and to think it's all muscular.