View Full Version : Worried about my son

05-09-22, 18:23
I am spiraling today :( First off, for the past few weeks my 7 year old son has been rubbing his eyes a lot and squinting. I didn't think much of it but I scheduled him for an eye exam which is next Saturday. All of a sudden 2 days ago he complained of nausea and then vomited once. He was fine after that and ate well the next day, except for at night when he started complaining of nausea again. He has vomited several times this morning. I am taking him to urgent care this afternoon, but I am guessing that they will just diagnose him with a stomach virus.

He has no fever, and I've been asking him if he has had any headaches and he says no, but I'm still freaking out about a brain tumor, with the possible vision issues along with nausea/vomiting. I have severe health anxiety that has been under control for awhile, but I am not doing well today. Any advice or encouraging words would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

05-09-22, 23:06
Just wanted to respond that last year my 11 year old went through about a month of randomly vomiting and also having headaches. I was worried about the same thing, and even visited the ER. But it eventually resolved and he is just fine. More than likely it’s something completely benign!

06-09-22, 01:31
I am spiraling today :( First off, for the past few weeks my 7 year old son has been rubbing his eyes a lot and squinting. I didn't think much of it but I scheduled him for an eye exam which is next Saturday. All of a sudden 2 days ago he complained of nausea and then vomited once. He was fine after that and ate well the next day, except for at night when he started complaining of nausea again. He has vomited several times this morning. I am taking him to urgent care this afternoon, but I am guessing that they will just diagnose him with a stomach virus.

He has no fever, and I've been asking him if he has had any headaches and he says no, but I'm still freaking out about a brain tumor, with the possible vision issues along with nausea/vomiting. I have severe health anxiety that has been under control for awhile, but I am not doing well today. Any advice or encouraging words would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Rubbing his eyes and then being poorly sick are most likely completely unrelated events! When we have health anxiety we are totally irrational and Jump to the absolute worst case scenario!
I have no doubt the sickness will pass and he will be absolutely fine! Xxxx

11-09-22, 14:28
My son was about this age when he began having migraines.

He's 28 and still has them from time to time.

11-09-22, 20:40
It’s very worrying when our children are ill and can’t really explain it to us. But kids go through all sorts of things. My child was sick all night every 2 weeks a few months back, she ended up having tests (which all came back clear).

Itchy eyes could be allergies or just plain tiredness.

There are so many explanations, please try to trust that he is ok. It’s quite common for them to vomit like he did, because the tummy is possibly still sensitive.

12-09-22, 20:40
Hey Kmm111, being worried about a child can be very consuming indeed. My children are highly sensitive and their illness are always very severe and of long duration..this drives me into madness sometimes. It is great that you can identify your own fears and write here. I always find it helps to hear that other children get weird illness and symptoms. Try not to let the anxiety get the overhand. It is hard but I am sure you know what works for you. Good luck!