View Full Version : Heightened anxiety

05-09-22, 20:45
I just need to post this as I do find writing it down helps. I am a health anxiety sufferer and have been for many years. Recently I went on a lovely relaxing 2 week holiday abroad, the first since covid and it was well needed. As soon as I got back reality hit and my anxiety went up, I initially had globus sensation which I did post about but I have managed to get a handle on that and I spent 24 hours convinced I had appendicitis which it clearly wasn't. I know full well all these physical symptoms are very much my own mind. This leads me to where I am now, I am not sure if I am having panic attacks as I have never had them before but basically I get a wave of what feels.like a racing heart beat/ panic and I get hot and on occasion feel a bit sick and then it fades away. It was really bad, it was happening all day over the weekend but today I had a really good day, I used my CBD oil and I was calm all day but just now if feels like its creeping back in again. I wear a fitbit and I can see my heart rate doesnt actually go up that much, in fact i think the only reason it goes up at all is because I am looking at it. I have now taken off my fitbit as I feel its adding to the stress but this feeling is just so new to me I am notnsure what to make of it. I exercise and it does not cause me any issues when my heart rate goes up, no.palpitaions and no wave of panic.

06-09-22, 01:35
You’re not alone my lovely. I get heightened periods of horrid anxiety with Globus and a racing heart and other nasties as well. It can feel so lonely but it will pass, i promise you. Keep using the cbd oil if that helps. Just a little short reply to say you’re not alone! Xxx

18-09-22, 00:24
Things will get better xx i’m having the same wobble at moment - feel throat full of mucus and can’t breath - so so fed up of the years i have had this on and off and yet still convinced it is serious 🙄 take care and stay strong