View Full Version : Air hunger all in my head??!

06-09-22, 08:47
This is a surrogate post on behalf of a relative who has a login here, but it's proving difficult to access as it was done through my email address -

For the last several days I have had the sensation of not getting enough air. It's very scary, and makes me want to keep gulping or yawning.

Luckily I have a blood O2 meter here, which oddly shows my oxygen levels at 96-99% all the time which is some relief.

The constant air hunger is hard to cope with though, is it possible it's all in my head, or caused by stress? I can understand it happening during a panic attack (which I've experienced before), but to have it all the time is worrying. Will it go away?

06-09-22, 22:25
I recently read something that said air hunger can be a form of ocd.

I don’t know loads about ocd, but it’s another anxiety response that can be managed through relaxation and mindfulness and changing your reactions to your negative thoughts and compulsions.

08-09-22, 09:49
I recently read something that said air hunger can be a form of ocd.

I don’t know loads about ocd, but it’s another anxiety response that can be managed through relaxation and mindfulness and changing your reactions to your negative thoughts and compulsions.

Thanks Scass

I have read about the psychological causes, and I do think it's possibly contributory, but the air hunger comes and goes irrespective of how much I focus on it or not. Focussing on it makes it 100% worse though, for sure.