View Full Version : I’m sorry scared again.

08-09-22, 08:54
I have been suffering with severe anxiety and physical symptoms for 10 weeks. So far I have had a cardio tell me my ecg, 14 day monitor and echocardiogram were normal. But…… Im terrified I’m going to have a heart attack. I have been having awful eoigastric pain, sometimes burning, lots of burping, loss of appetite, weight loss and chest pressure.

I have spoke to a doctor and she put it down to acid reflux and indigestion just concerned that these symptoms of chronic and have been every day nearly 24 seven for 10 weeks

I woke up at 5am and haven’t been able to Go back to sleep. Because I am terrified that I am going to have a heart attack today. I woke up and had this almighty pressure and pain in my epigastric area and then I feel so much pressure in my chest centre and felt like I could not breathe properly.

I am really trying my hardest to combat these anxious thoughts think deep down I know 99% that this is all anxiety based I’m honestly terrified I haven’t been this bad in years any advice or support would be really appreciated thank you I’m sorry again

08-09-22, 09:20
Sending positive thoughts your way. You're not going to have a heart attack, I promise.

08-09-22, 10:12
Thank you BlueIris, I managed to nod back off for an hour there woke again with the same chest pain. I’m going to try really hard today to just try and remain calm and tell myself it’s just the acid! And not my heart

08-09-22, 10:21
Right. Indigestion is horrible and painful but it won't harm you.

08-09-22, 13:28
I just burped and food or acid or sick just came up :( I had porridge and banana about an hour ago.

08-09-22, 13:29
Yep, that happens to me occasionally. Never pleasant but no big deal.