View Full Version : Itching lymph nodes - Lymphoma fears

08-09-22, 21:56
Hi all,

In a cycle of health anxieties, fueled my 'real symptoms' over years I'm now back to something I had back in 2016 - itching lymph nodes.

Back in 2016 I suffered with significant night sweats and full body itching, this went on for months on end. I had blood tests, physical exams, x-rays and I even paid for a private consultation - the result was nothing could be found and eventually these 'real symptoms' subsided.

Fast forward to 2022 and in the last few weeks I again have itching lymph nodes all over my body and I have had one night sweat. I managed to have a GP appt over the phone to discuss this today, and the doctor advises that in the absense of other symptoms (continued night sweats, etc) then it may just be something "unique to me" or words to that effect. I can get back in touch if I continue to be concerned though.

I'm convinced, that this recent itching (briefly alleviated by scratching before coming up elsewhere), coupled with fatigue I have can only mean one thing - lymphoma.

I feel stuck, sat here itching thinking the worst and that the shoulder pain I've been having is actually cancer that has spread into my lymph nodes.

All of this has unfolded in the past few weeks,

Any advice is appreciated



10-09-22, 15:45
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Chances are that if you are having the same symptoms you had six years ago, it really is nothing. What did you do to have the symptoms pass last time? Did they just go away in their own?

11-09-22, 13:38
Hey, thanks for getting back to me, do appreciate it. If I'm honest - I can't remember how that actually subsided, but eventually after a variety of tests, etc, it just went away. It lasted 8 months+ though then.

Unfortunately I've also now developed a fever so of course I'm linking the two things and thinking the worst!

17-09-22, 07:22
Just an update incase anyone reads this:

Unfortunately my symptoms have worsened, including the itching and now night sweats.

I have an appointment for some bloods on Wednesday. Unfortunately bloods can't really indicate lymphoma so no doubt this will be the start of many tests - at this point I know it can't be anything else. After years of health anxiety something finally comes true!

Worried is an understatement.

22-09-22, 04:27
Are you sure the night sweats aren’t from anxiety? My anxiety was so bad last week about possibly having nasal lymphoma (ridiculously rare so absolutely stupid of me) made me begin to wake in the night feeling sick and hot and panicked. I was also getting dizzy during the day and could feel lymph nodes (which were not even there according to the gp). How are you now?

27-09-22, 07:05
Hiya! I sympathise completely as I had this fear for years. It really did put me through the mill. Just wanted to jump on and tell you I knew 2 people with this, and they found out via routine blood tests.
I'm not sure who told you it cannot be picked up through them. If you went through this years ago and had the tests, you didn't have it then and I'm sure you don't have it now. Good luck with the bloods. I'm sure you will be okay. X

29-09-22, 23:08
Good evening, thanks for the replies. It really is appreciated.

Probably should have mentioned this before but I just want to commend the lovely, kind and (non dismissive!) GP I got to see. Firstly she discussed my worries and then had a look over my glands - no concerns. She then booked me in for a full host of blood tests but in the meantime she sent me a link of local resources (CBT, etc). Isn't that considerate :)

Had the bloods taken (with a fever, obviously I was then worried this would impact the test and I'd have to have more tests..) and the results came though on the Saturday morning:

Normal: no action required.

The level of worry, physical symptoms, time wasting and whatever else I'd concluded.. and it's all normal.

The sweats - were real
The itching (on my glands and all over) - were real

I no longer have these symptoms after fearing going to sleep.

Yet here is the evidence - nothing wrong

I know this is health anxiety and this is part of the battle we face. Unfortunately my buckling and then testing mean I lost this battle.. But the war will continue! It sounds dramatic but I'm sure this resonates?

(@Stace I hope your friends are doing well on their journey, all the best to them both)