View Full Version : Weird head pain, comforting words needed please

10-09-22, 15:25
Hello guys,

For a couple of weeks ( maybe little less) now, I would occasionally have this strange, sometimes really sharp ( shooting) pain on the right side of my head. I have never been prone to headaches very much, but now it seems I am prone to anything!

These pains go away, sometimes for a few days and I forget about them, and then they are back! Why? It is, again, every few minutes , like a sharp pain or a pressure pain on the right side on the (sort of) top of my head , and then it goes away.

I really do not know much about kinds of headaches, and whoever can help , I would highly appreciate. Needless to say, you may imagine what I am thinking of.

Thank you !

10-09-22, 22:19
So today all day I have had occasional stabbing pain , and then my whole right side, including my eye, feels under pressure. My neck feel kind of stiff. Actually, my both eyes are sort of burning ( pressure and burning feeling behind the eyes). I am very scared it is my brain. Scared to even say the word I am thinking of. What shall I do? Anyone, please!

11-09-22, 00:10
Seems like a tension/ice pick headache from your stiff neck. I have had this before as well, definitely like the one you're describing. Always goes away and comes back for apparently no reason at all. It's really strange

11-09-22, 01:54
Siffi, thank you very much. Your words help. It is a strange pain/sensation, - do not know how to call it. I wonder what causes it?

11-09-22, 13:42
Now I am truly scared: this morning I was awaken by several sharp stabbing pains on the right side of top of my head. While it happens when I am awake, there was still hope that my huge anxiety may be magnifying it, but awakened by it?! What shall I do? I am so scared, I can not even describe it. It stopped after a couple of minutes, but now there is nothing else I can think about, and I am tense , just waiting for the pains to start again!

11-09-22, 22:43
Sorry to hear that it came back. Could just be one of those things, monitor it, maybe keep a diary. It might be your tense muscles relaxing or the way you slept. Did you do or have anything different the day before? Any caffeine or alcohol?

12-09-22, 12:47
I always drink coffee, all my life. I almost never drink any alcohol - occasional glass of red wine with dinner, that is all. It did not wake me this morning, but, when I woke to go to the bathroom around five am, I could not really fall asleep after that any more, I am extremely tense expecting it to happen. I am scared, but also, I think constant thinking about it now will not help at all. There is a headache medical clinic not far from where I live, I will call and see what one of their doctors think. If they do not think it is anything else but headache, I will try to relax. Is it ice pick, is it cluster, or what? It also came pretty late in my life, so that is worrisome too.

Thank you very much for your responses.:weep:

18-09-22, 21:20
Sorry for the late reply, did you call about it? If you are worried about it then seek help. Sorry to hear you are going through this, it sounds really stressful and worrying about what is going on with your own body. If you are tense up about it and the cause is tension, it will happen more and worry about it, it is that vicious cycle. Try and step back a bit and do things you enjoy.

19-09-22, 08:31
I always drink coffee, all my life.

I get ice-pick headaches. They're unpleasant but not harmful.

(Might help you to cut down on the caffeine)

19-09-22, 13:18
Siffi, NoraB

Thank you for responding. I did post different post after my doctor saw me last Friday. He felt there is no need for MRI, saw no "red flags", and after feeling around my head , neck and shoulders, suggested that it may come from neck/spine/posture problems. But over the weekend I had these various head pains, on and off, and during sleep on Saturday night, it felt like a top of the head pressure all night! Literally all night. I am scared now because I read that it should be investigated if it feels worse when lying down. I just feel horribly anxious and cannot relax at all. It is simply really bad.

19-09-22, 13:43
No it's not, Lana. Please stop "reading" stuff and remember what your doctor told you? Top of the head pressure is very common. Especially with neck issues. Maybe you should book yourself in with a physiotherapist or chiropractor and try some exercises to release the trigger points?

19-09-22, 14:19
Pulisa, thank you much. I am working on deciding what to do. Anxiety is overwhelming, and at this point I have no idea what is real, what not, and how much of this issue my mind is magnifying. I stopped reading anything, and I am working today, Putting serious effort to get some reason back.

19-09-22, 17:23
He felt there is no need for MRI, saw no "red flags", and after feeling around my head , neck and shoulders, suggested that it may come from neck/spine/posture problems.

Well, I have cervical spondylosis, so your doc could be right (wear and tear in the neck can cause these type of headaches)

19-09-22, 18:05
Pulisa, thank you much. I am working on deciding what to do. Anxiety is overwhelming, and at this point I have no idea what is real, what not, and how much of this issue my mind is magnifying. I stopped reading anything, and I am working today, Putting serious effort to get some reason back.

Well done, Lana. You have to get some control back over your HA and trust your doctor. What's the point in going to see him otherwise?

19-09-22, 20:33
Pulisa, you are right, as always. Thank you.

I did message him over the weekend, and I just got an email from him:
"I do not think that your headaches are indicative of anything serious. Focus on treating your neck problems, as we discussed. I see that your anxiety is now playing into this. Dr. Lin"

So, I guess I will just shut up. His message did help today. And also suggestions and pieces of advice from the Forum.

19-09-22, 20:50
Let this go now, Lana. Your doctor could easily have taken advantage of your HA and sent you for unnecessary tests to swell his bank balance. It's reassuring that he showed integrity and challenged your HA instead...which is the right thing to do.