View Full Version : Back after 2 years…

10-09-22, 19:39
Hi all,

I have managed to keep my anxiety in check over the last couple of years. I am currently 33 male and have 2 children. We just had our second daughter 11 days ago.
My anxiety has come back, but now I am worried about my newest daughter. Noticed last week when we feed her she has these weird eye movements that move side to side. I’m terrified it’s nystagmus and that she will be blind.
Our doctor looked at her eyes during our last check up on Wednesday and told us she had no concerns. I felt good for a bit but now feel terrified again.
I am constantly holding her and looking at her eyes for any weird movements. I can’t enjoy my time with her . Every time I see one i get sick To my stomach.

about 2 weeks before she was born I was worried about her having terrible birth defects, now this. I managed to keep my anxiety in check with my first daughter but all of a sudden it is back.
Can anyone relate, any advice? I just want to be able to hold my daughter and not focus on just her eye movements. I want to enjoy it this stage.


11-09-22, 09:30
You have to trust what the doctor has told you. Don't google anything, every time the thought crosses your mind reassure yourself that the doctor isn't concerned and then move away from that thought. When you're not with your daughter try doing some relaxation techniques.