View Full Version : Help please

10-09-22, 20:33
This is a long one.
4 July, I was leaving my job and giving my leaving speech. During the speech which was online, I took a massive pain in my head, at the back, base of my skull, right side. I really was in a lot of pain and thought I'd have to stop my speech. I kept going and the pain subsided. The next day, I was carrying a box and the pain started again. It lasted a few mins and then subsided.

I then went on holiday for four weeks and everything was fine. No pain.
We came back from holiday and started to pack our home as we were moving country. I felt a heaviness, ache, always in the same place, on and off. I continued with my gym sessions but the pain came and went. I then felt like my ear was blocked. I got my ear checked and it was clear. At the same time I was having my last check up before moving home. Bloods all came back fine. Doc said pain was probably muscular.

So here I am, back in my home country, still with this pain which isn't constant. I have been taking antiinflammatory tablets which calms it down. I have a tight and stiff neck and my ear still feels blocked.

Logically, I have looked at the sternocleidomastoid muscle and it looks highly likely this is the problem. Illogically, I'm think the worst, brain tumors and growths. It is really bringing me down. I don't know what to do.

Thanks if you have read this far.

10-09-22, 20:50
Have you looked into trigger points along the sternocleidomastoid muscle? When these trigger points are active they can cause a lot of pain and various symptoms which match what you are feeling. A physiotherapist who is knowledgeable about trigger point release could be of help?

12-09-22, 12:59
Thanks Pulisa for the reply. So I had a fairly good day yesterday....no pain but continued to take my voltaren tablet. Today however, I can feel it twinging again.

Again I'm trying to be rational.....exercise, bloods have been checked and done, pulled muscles, isn't there all the time, not there in mornings or nights, gets to early afternoon and it starts on and off.

But my mind is wandering thinking of all the bad things