View Full Version : health anxiety panic attack numbness

12-09-22, 00:13
hi, i’m 22 and have been diagnosed with health anxiety earlier this year. it’s horrible and everyday is so tiring but 2 days ago i had my worst panic attack with it, despite having had worse patches in my health anxiety prior. anyway, as i was starting to panic i started to get this strange sensation in my right side of my lower jaw, a warm numbness / ache. This was also with some arm tingles in the right side. obviously this is what threw me into a total panic attack as I was convinced I was having a heart attack. eventually i calmed down and the arm tingling stopped and i felt fine again after help from those around me, however since then, this numbness and ache/tingles in the right of my jaw have not gone. it threw me into another panic attack yesterday and it’s not horribly painful, i’m just terrified to what could be causing this strange sensation in my face since the panic attack, and is it normal for it to go on this long after the panic attacks?

12-09-22, 16:40
Hi since you replied to my breast pain post, I thought I'd reply to yours too.
I have had health anxiety for years producing many different symptoms.
From what I understand our brain perceives any small tweak as a big pain which sends us into panic mode which of course revs up the symptoms as we focus on them.
I've had jaw pain many times and always due to anxiety. The cause is probably much the same as the reasons you explained to me about our breast pain. We tense our muscles when we're anxious and the pain is the result.
Even though your panic attack is over your body is probably still tense and the sensations you feel are worrying you still so there's a good bit of anxiety going on there still. And your brain has a good memory!
I sometimes take something to calm me down like a lorazapam. Once I'm calm the symptoms ease up and then I know exactly what is causing it. You could try putting a warm heat pad on your jaw. This helps me

12-09-22, 22:52
thank you so much for your reply. it does make sense yes. also today the pain or sensations has shifted to the other side so just like our other discussion! my boyfriend says the same thing about if it moves about then it can’t be anything serious really! thank you so much and i hope your anxiety gets easier to deal with <3