View Full Version : Extremely anxious over neck and head pressure

12-09-22, 19:15
Hi all, I知 27 female and am absolutely terrified of my arteries being blocked by atherosclerosis. I am slim but have quite a bad diet where I drink a lot of cola and a lot of junk food. I知 scared my arteries are blocked and thats why I now feel pressure in my throat and head a lot. I notice it all the time. I also have really painful shoulders and knees the doc has given me codeine for and I get occasional twinge pains on my left side chest. Today I had a nosebleed and a headache and Im scared that something bad is happening due to my heart. Sometimes I feel like I cant get my breath as well its horrible.

I hate the pressure feeling it feels a bit like the blood rushing to my head. My blood pressure is normal but different on both arms which is also a symptom. Has anyone gone through this? Im so anxious over it :(
I also swallow a lot of phlegm all the time so I dont know if its that. thank you