View Full Version : Utterly terrified, beyond description !

13-09-22, 14:29
So I emailed my doctor (he is internist that I have been seeing for many years),briefly described new headaches , for several weeks now, to see if I should be worried. This is response I got last night: " I would recommend making an appointment for this. New or unfamiliar headaches should be evaluated."

Needless to say, I am scared to death. I also have had this weird brain "chatter" for some time, that I cannot control, and random pictures from the past jumping in my mind , unrelated to absolutely anything I do or think at that time. This is particularly aggressive when I close my eyes to go to sleep.

I do not see what this can be except the absolute worst thing imaginable. I could use words of comfort. The appointment is this coming Friday. I have no idea how I can go on until Friday, so I ma thinking going to ER, and ask for CT or MRI. I am falling apart.

13-09-22, 14:37
I'd lay money on this being nothing, Lana.

I'm pretty sure mental chatter happens to everyone; it does to me. I've also read more or less everywhere that unless they're completely debilitating, headaches are hardly ever the signifier of anything serious.

Take a moment, and catch your breath. You've got this. Don't waste your money on the ER.

13-09-22, 14:45
Thank you so much BlueIris.

I do not know what to do. Just crying, and I have to work. What kind of life is this anyway?

13-09-22, 14:47
Lana, I am 100% sure that you are ok. <3

13-09-22, 14:58
Dear Kyllikki, thank you. But , I am petrified. How can I live until Friday? Also, maybe he will just give me MRI referral and then the agony continues. Maybe he wants me to come to do neuro exam?

13-09-22, 14:58
Thank you so much BlueIris.

I do not know what to do. Just crying, and I have to work. What kind of life is this anyway?

Dry your eyes, take a breath, make yourself something nice to drink and then get on with your work at a nice slow pace. My own health anxiety has been trying to get an in today, and I've needed to constantly remind myself that things are seldom a big deal.

13-09-22, 15:04
Thank you BlueIris. I will try my best.

13-09-22, 15:04
Post here or DM me any time you want, okay?

13-09-22, 15:47
OK, thank you much.

13-09-22, 16:19
He is covering his back by advising an evaluation. That’s it.
There are so many benign causes for headaches….stress being a big one! Or maybe you need reading glasses, or are dehydrated, or lacking vitamins, or have low iron, or not getting enough sleep….the list could go on. But only an evaluation will tell, hence your doctors advice.
I hear absolutely nothing here to suggest you have any reason to be afraid.

I know this fear, but be rational!

13-09-22, 17:01
Hi Lana, I think doctors have become a lot more a** covering since Covid. I've been brushed off quite a few times in the past for various symptoms and ailments - which was of no surprise because my HA was obviously the cause, and it's down on my notes that I have HA and anxiety, depression etc.

But recently, they've wanted to see me in person each time - a few times for my IBS symptoms, a lump on my chest and something else which I can't remember now.

So anyway, as hypocritical it is from me to say don't worry (because I'm the same), there's no real extra cause for concern because the doctor needs to see you in person. I think it's just become routine now.

13-09-22, 17:31
Limeslime, MrLurcher, thank you so much, I really need to hear this. I try to compose myself, and work, and all of a sudden this fear just crashes over me...

My hope is the fact that I had three eye exams ( complete, with all the machines), in the past year over severely dry eyes , and these two different doctors would have noticed something. I read that often brain tumor changes show during comprehensive eye exams. I am trying to hold onto this straw.

13-09-22, 17:52
Btw McLurcher, what happened with the chest thing? All good, right?

14-09-22, 11:00
Btw McLurcher, what happened with the chest thing? All good, right?

No worries Lana.

Well, I'm still waiting a scan on my chest. It's been 6 weeks since I saw the doctor, and she said I may be waiting a few months because she isn't concerned and i'm not down as urgent. .

14-09-22, 17:55
But Lana..These are fleeting head pains not actual headaches according to how you described them in a previous thread?

I get these frequently and put them down to muscle tightness in my neck.

No red flag symptoms. I'm sure your doctor knows you have HA and is wanting to be thorough. Personally I wouldn't waste my money on another appointment.

14-09-22, 20:53
Dear Pulisa,

For the last hour, out of the blue, literally, a shooting pain started from my right ear down the right side of my throat!? What the hell? None of this is familiar to me, and I am truly struggling to think that something good will come out of this. No head pain at all, but this new strange pain, and on the same side, right one.

God, I just want to get some good news on Friday by my doctor, after exam. If he decides I need a scan or MRI, I will die.

16-09-22, 10:17
Dear Pulisa,

For the last hour, out of the blue, literally, a shooting pain started from my right ear down the right side of my throat!? What the hell? None of this is familiar to me, and I am truly struggling to think that something good will come out of this. No head pain at all, but this new strange pain, and on the same side, right one.

God, I just want to get some good news on Friday by my doctor, after exam. If he decides I need a scan or MRI, I will die.

You need to turn down the dial on that anxiety, I can almost feel it through your writing!

Let me tell you a story that may make you feel better.

A few weeks ago I had the same shooting pains in my head you described. Then all of a sudden the subtitles on the TV went all weird and I couldn't read them properly. Then flashing lights came in from the side of my vision. My wife called an ambulance as she thought I was having a stroke based on the symptoms I described. The symptoms stopped after 20 mins so I cancelled the ambulance and went to bed, with a headache but no visual problems.

The next day the Doctor panicked thinking I'd had a TIA, and urgently referred me to the stroke clinic. I was put on aspirin and told not to drive.

They sent me for an urgent MRI scan and I saw a neurologist a few days later who said "before I even looked at your MRI I thought you had a visual migraine".

A huge fuss about nothing. A migraine.

Don't jump to conclusions. Everybody on the planet has headaches, weird head pains etc. Just relax.

16-09-22, 11:17
If he decides I need a scan or MRI, I will die.

This is a bit dramatic; don't you think?

16-09-22, 12:46
Skippy66, Thank you. I hope I will have an easy exam with my doctor today, and that he will be able to evaluate me on the spot, without sending me to any further tests. I wish you all the best.

16-09-22, 12:51
Dear Nora, it is, isn't it? But, I do not know how to react reasonably. I am truly trying.
The visit to my doctor is today at 2 pm ( eastern US). I just want him to conclude that I need no further tests. But, whatever happens - happens. My hope is that I simply do not have any other "red flags" that would point to anything with the brain. And several eye exams recently where these doctors did not notice anything , and apparently they can often see if something may be wrong with the brain.

16-09-22, 13:50
Hi Lana I know just how you feel and you have my sympathy. I'm in a similar situation. Nothing will persuade me that my health issue is minimal except the assurance of a doctor. But then the fear sets in that it might be bad news or more tests needed. But sometimes we need to face our fears in order to move forward. I hope all goes well with your appointment today.

16-09-22, 13:58
Thank you so much Beckybecks, it is always easier when you see that someone has the same fears.Yes, it is exactly as you put it. Because, I was thinking that maybe I should not have emailed my doctor at all, but then, as you say, I would keep on being scared all the time and just thinking about it. So, no easy way out.

16-09-22, 15:54
Let us know what the outcome of your doctor's appointment is today.
I have a feeling it will be good news. But doctors have to cover themselves.
Headaches are so common with anxiety. My brother gets terrible migraines and the more he worries the worse they get. He's had so many tests and they found nothing, just stress.
I've had times when I woke up and went to bed with constant headaches for weeks. The more I focused on them the longer they lasted. The more I googled, the more symptoms I got.
It just needs something to break the loop. Or reassurance from a professional.

16-09-22, 20:52
Dear friends, here is my update: my doctor does not think any further tests are needed, and said that what I was worried about would come with some other obvious neurological symptoms. He also examined my head and neck, and around the neck, and said he even believes it may be coming from the neck/spine/posture problems. He also looked at my eye exam papers. So that is it for now. My head feels some pressure all day, also behind my eyes, but I will try to ride it out, and stop frantically worrying. And BTW, my blood pressure is pretty low ( 110/80). Last time I measured it it was almost 140, so blood pressure jumping up and down may also contribute to it. I have an appointment at a clinic which specializes in headaches at the end of October, that I made earlier, so I will keep it for now, but hoping that soon I will have a reason to cancel it.

Thank you all so much for being such sports! I really appreciate the privilege of being a member here.

17-09-22, 04:59
Very happy to hear this good news for you Lana I hope that now the anxiety can ease off and the headaches too. Well done for facing your fears