View Full Version : Anyone awake? Really suffering- bad panic attack

14-09-22, 01:25
Ive started to have regular severe panic attacks at night - I’m in the middle of one right now. Typical symptoms - fast heart rate, missed beat feeling, shaking, sweaty, diarrhoea & generally feeling like this is the end. I really can’t cope anymore- just need some reassurance/ tips from fellow sufferers please

14-09-22, 09:14
Hi Woody,

Sorry no one was around to help you out. How are you feeling now?

I have nocturnal panic attacks. (They account for 90% of all my panic attacks) and a few years ago, I was having them every night; sometimes several times a night. That doesn't happen now. I had one last week, but they happen a lot less now. Reason being that I'm no longer scared of them. I wake up, recognise what's happening (fight or flight) and I work with the situation instead of panicking and adding more fuel to the fire.

I can mostly halt them in situ nowadays. I do this by doing the box breathing technique (this physically switches off the stress response) and I can generally get back to sleep. However, sometimes it's not possible, so I get up, move around, and go and do some light cleaning to burn off some adrenalin. Sometimes i can get back to sleep, sometimes I just sit there and watch the sun come up, but I don't fret about it. (I just enjoy the opportunity to see the sunrise)

Nocturnal panic attacks are crap. They feel worse than daytime ones because there is less to distract us, and we're generally feel alone because everybody else is fast asleep. But the key is not to add fear to them. You're ok. Nothing will happen to you. Your heart is fine. It's actually working as it's meant to, it's your brain that's sounded a false alarm. It's your brain responding to a bad dream or the sound of a car door closing. Normally, these things don't trigger panic attacks at night, but they can when people are experiencing high levels of anxiety and they're sensitised and hyper-stimulated.

You can cope with this. You are coping with this. When you go to bed tonight, tell yourself that it doesn't matter if you have one. So what? That's what you need to tell your brain; it doesn't matter. You know what's happening and you're not afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of. Eventually, your brain will get the message that it doesn't need to trigger the fight or flight response at night, and the gaps will get bigger and bigger until they become a rare occurrence. (Of course, you also need to be addressing your anxiety levels in general)

Anyway, I hope this helps you..

14-09-22, 22:28
Hi NoraB
Thank you so much for such a thoughtful & helpful reply. I’ve only just logged on again as I’ve got into bed.
I eventually got to sleep around 3.30 am - I used some of my emergency diazepam but it took ages to calm down & I thought the continuous feelings of panic would never ease - it was horrendous & one of the worst attacks I’ve had. These night time attacks have only started fairly recently & I’m afraid I’m now primed for them every night & am living in a state of trepidation. All the advice you’ve given makes sense & I will try the box breathing etc. I have been to see a GP about them & I’ve had a blood test (normal) & he’s referring me for a 24 hour ecg - my appointment isn’t until 23/2/23 though! He said I should cal 999 if I have further attacks that last longer than 15 minutes! I would be calling the ambulance several times a week at the moment if I did that! He obviously had no idea about panic attacks & did nothing to really reassure me. I feel like my adrenaline suddenly switches on as I’m in a heightened sense of anticipation & I was wondering if I had an adrenal gland problem - he didn’t seem interested in exploring that idea. Having suffered from panic attacks on & off for 30+ years I know that these night time attacks are somehow different. As you say they’re harder to cope with at night as everyone else is asleep & it feels like a very lonely situation and hard to distract myself. I need to break the cycle & get out of the highly sensitised state that I seem to have got myself into at the moment. Its coming up to the 3rd anniversary of my 30 year old darling daughter’s sudden death so I know that’s probably playing a massive part in my state of mind - I’m dreading it even though I tell myself that it’s just a day that I have to get through somehow - we’re going away this year with close family to try & celebrate her life somewhere special.
Anyway thank you so much again for your helpful info - I feel reassured that I can get through this & break the cycle using the techniques you mentioned - I just need to practice & have positive thoughts x

15-09-22, 08:40
These night time attacks have only started fairly recently & I’m afraid I’m now primed for them every night & am living in a state of trepidation.

Which is why it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, Woody.

Instead of fearing going to bed because you think you will have a panic attack, tell yourself that it doesn't matter if you do. It feels unpleasant, yes, but fight or flight isn't supposed to feel pleasant; it's designed to make us run away as fast as we can, or stay and fight with all our strength, you know?

There's also the freeze option which is basically nature's way of culling the numbers lol

Panic attacks can't harm you because it's a design 'feature' in human beings to help us survive. While you are thinking that your body is out of control and you are having a heart attack, what's actually happening is the reverse. It just feels crap because there is no actual danger to run from or stay and fight. When there is actual danger, we are preoccupied with dealing with the situation, so we notice those symptoms a lot less, and, also, we expect them.

He said I should cal 999 if I have further attacks that last longer than 15 minutes! I would be calling the ambulance several times a week at the moment if I did that! He obviously had no idea about panic attacks & did nothing to really reassure me. I feel like my adrenaline suddenly switches on as I’m in a heightened sense of anticipation & I was wondering if I had an adrenal gland problem - he didn’t seem interested in exploring that idea. Having suffered from panic attacks on & off for 30+ years I know that these night time attacks are somehow different.

He'll know about panic attacks, but he doesn't have any test results for you yet, so he's just doing his job. (Also, it's common sense)

Its coming up to the 3rd anniversary of my 30 year old darling daughter’s sudden death so I know that’s probably playing a massive part in my state of mind - I’m dreading it even though I tell myself that it’s just a day that I have to get through somehow - we’re going away this year with close family to try & celebrate her life somewhere special.

I'm so sorry you lost your daughter. That must be so hard to bear. And, yes, it's inevitable (and understandable) that this is ramping up your anxiety.

You can absolutely break this cycle of nocturnal panic attacks. I'm not telling you that you will never have another NPA again (because I still have them) but you can stop them from happening every night. You can break the cycle that you're currently in, and it really is as simple as four things.

Don't add fear.

As difficult as these anniversaries are, I do hope that being around your family brings you some comfort. More so, that you will be able to celebrate your daughter's life and make some pleasant memories in her name.

All the best to you.

22-09-22, 20:27
Sorry for the late reply Nora to your really helpful advice - all you say makes perfect sense. I’ve been going down a rabbit hole of fear these last few weeks & I know part of the problem is the upcoming anniversary of my daughters death. I can’t help feeling so very sad & lost at the thought of never seeing her again - its absolutely devastated me. As a result I know my anxiety levels are rising & im on edge most of the time. I am trying to factor in some relaxation & breathing exercises to alleviate the constant tension.
I’ve copied & pasted your advice into a note on my phone to read when I’m feeling hopeless with the aim of grounding myself again with logic.
Thank you again x

24-09-22, 07:21
I’ve copied & pasted your advice into a note on my phone to read when I’m feeling hopeless with the aim of grounding myself again with logic.
Thank you again x

You're welcome, Woody. Glad to have been some help to you.

24-09-22, 07:32
Great advice Nora.
I do the same.

30-09-22, 06:20
Yes I am having them, and I’m not sleeping at all. I’m autistic on top of my other MH stuff. I’m sick of it. Hope you now feel better and so sorry about your daughter.
