View Full Version : Dread due to sleeping with light on as a child

14-09-22, 22:56
I'm having a bout of insomnia currently (which I haven't really experienced like this before) and I was doing some googling around. I came across one post that states that sleeping with a light on for many years produces early onset dementia symptoms (https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/pbt7z8/comment/hag6jw6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). This seriously worried me as from a fairly young age I slept with a dim warm lamp on, enough so I could tell that it was on, for most nights untill I was around 19 (now 24). I never had issues with sleep or feeling tired and didn't have any issues with memory during this period - I got good grades.

Has anyone else had issues/worries with things like this, I'm concerned i'm going to get dementia early, or increased my chances or cancer or even affected my brain development in some way. I obviously have issues with anxiety, as well as being diagnosed with ADHD, which is not severe and have migraine aura/vestibular issues. It's difficult not to worry this may be because of this but I am aware I am being irrational as there is no reason to panic.

15-09-22, 01:17
That’s the first I’ve heard of that study.

Generally what I think when I read things like that is that if it was a serious problem with a nightlight, then there would be warnings everywhere and I, as a parent would have heard of this before.

15-09-22, 01:25
I wouldn't take a random post on Reddit as fact or anything to concern yourself with :lac:


15-09-22, 08:57
This seriously worried me as from a fairly young age I slept with a dim warm lamp on, enough so I could tell that it was on, for most nights untill I was around 19 (now 24). I never had issues with sleep or feeling tired and didn't have any issues with memory during this period - I got good grades.

Well, that's me screwed then. I slept with the light on until I was 12. And for many of those years it wasn't some warm dim lamp, it was the main light. (Didn't have a lamp)

I also sucked my thumb until I was 15 too. (What will become of me?) :scared15:

Some random on Reddit though? Nah. :lac: