View Full Version : Dizziness out of the blue

15-09-22, 15:24
Can anybody help please?

Out of the blue experiencing some dizziness (I think that's what I would call it) started 4 days ago - got up, felt fine, sat on the loo and suddenly it felt as if the bathroom was moving side to side in front of me, I had to hold on to the towel rail as I felt I would fall off! Sat down and it passed, but I felt like I was walking on a ship.
Got up the rest of the week and have felt much the same - a sense of the room moving, spinning - even when I lay in bed I could see the bedroom ceiling spinning. It wears off within the hour, but yesterday took the dog out and was throwing his ball, and noticed that bending to pick it up made me feel very wobbly, so when I straightened up I couldn't walk in a straight line. Climbing steps also makes me feel wobbly, and generally walking it feels like I am listing to one side or have wobbly legs, and that feels like that pretty much all day. No weakness in any limb.

Nothing else of note - my eyes feel "tired" - I do wear glasses but it feels like I've been up all night kind of tired, and I have had a headache but don't think that is related - I've had a headache every day for weeks now, GP says its tension. Not under any stress although I do get anxious I don't feel I am currently.

I am away for a good few weeks, I'm wondering if it could be viral? Anybody who has felt similar who can shed some light, I'd be really grateful.

Thank you

23-09-22, 05:18
Sounds like vertigo. Could be vision related.

23-09-22, 22:56
Hi I have exactly this at the moment. Started a few days ago, where room
Seemed to spin/waver for about 15 secs in bed. Then 2 days ago I got up in night and went to loo, I was dizzy and stumbled, could not walk straight almost like being drunk. Been like it for last 48 hrs. Have banged into cupboards at work and at home, have constant headache and eyes feel very tired. Wondering if ear infection affecting balance or if problem with eyes or poss eye strain? Also poss related to blood pressure or perimenopause. Leaving over weekend, trying to spend less time on screens and will the see dr if still an issue. I feel like it may be vertigo? It is truly horrible and very unnerving. How are you now DL45? Xx