View Full Version : Blurred vision one eye on waking

16-09-22, 16:25
As title says, I woke up last night and my right eye was blurred. It took a few minutes before it focused. It felt very dry and I had been lying on front, with an eye mask on. I'm sure it has happened before and I shrugged it off but I'm anxious. I had an eye test last month, I have long sighted and astigmatism, I paid for the full OHC exam too so assume they would've have seen anything untoward. I remember her saying my eye health was fine.

Has this happened before?

16-09-22, 17:20
Has it happened to me ? - oh yes ! If you lie/sleep and press your eyeball onto something like a firm piece of pillow or similar whilst doing so, or its pressed by a mask onto the eyeball, then it can temporarily push it marginally out of shape. I had it once where it took a few hours to slowly slowly go back to not having one eye entirely blurred/out of focus. I've only had it happen a handful of times, but its always most odd when it does and I need to remind myself of why its probably happened.

20-09-22, 14:56
I’ve had this happen too, and yes I freaked out. But it was where I had literally squished my eyeball by lying on it

23-09-22, 13:05
This happens to me pretty much every morning. It’s totally normal