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21-11-07, 22:53
I am 46 yrs old and have been perimenopausal for past 18 months. Up till then my periods had been very regular and everything predictable and one of the few health things I didn't worry about! Well boy did all that change as everything has gone haywire. I have only had two normal cycles and periods in past 18 months. The variety of oddness is as follows - miss a period then when next one is due get spotting for weeks then a long heavy period. Or just get spotting with odd flooding day lasting over a month. Or get a normal length period that is so bad I think I am bleeding to death.

I have experienced ovulation pain since a teenager but it was very predictable, only last two or three days and always went away on day 14 of cycle. Not now it doesn't!

In past year I have had two ultrasounds last on 8 weeks ago and 6 weeks ago had hysteroscopy and D&C and all normal.

10 days ago I was up to 7 weeks bleed free when I got what felt like ovulation pain, same side as always same pain . Then I got spotting and today I may or may not be on my actual period as in past it has fooled me by being heavy one day then back to spotting etc etc.

I went to my Drs today and she told me that because my hormones are in flux its doubtful I am ovulating but my ovary could be producing a cyst instead but the pain would feel exactly the same. She said if I am still in pain in a week to go back so she can send me for yet another ultrasound which I know will mean a long wait in which to worry. She said if I have a cyst then it needs to be watched to see if it goes away or gets bigger. She said they are very common in the lead up to menopause but they usually come and go on their own.

I am soso fed up with not knowing what is going to happen form one day to another and because of this having to ahve so many tests!! I hate my hormones

22-11-07, 09:15
Hi there,

i could of wrote that myself, i am 42 and have just been diagnosed as being menopausal. For the last couple of years my periods have been all over the place sometimes long sometimes heavy, the worse thing i find is not knowing when its going to happen next, as it difficult to arrange things at this time due to flooding.
I worry when it is happening and then i worry when it isnt as i just know when it does happen i will not been able to go far from home and will feel awful.
Sorry i cannot be more helpful, i just wanted you to know you are not alone.
Take care

22-11-07, 10:36
Hi, I have been through the menopause and had exactly the same as you it's those dam hormones who'd be a women. It will get better hopefully you won't develop a cyst, but you are being closley monitored so try not to worry(I know thats not easy)
Look after yourself and take care.:flowers:

23-11-07, 20:35
Thanks both nice to know I am not alone. Still just got the spotting, I have the odd hour every couple of days where I think its starting properly but after about 3 hrs back to hardly there grrrr! Last time this happened this went on for a month.

24-11-07, 15:38
Hi i have been going through the menopause from the age of 39 (48 now) and i have only just now gone a whole year with no periods.

Could i just say, that getting ovarian cysts isn't always to do with the menopause, i was diagnosed with ovarian cysts at the age of 26, ending in me going into a hospital having one ovary and all the doing's that side removed.
A few years later i had 2 cysts appear on my other ovary BUT this time they disappeared on their own, so heres hoping that IF you do have them they'll disappear of there own accord.

good luck :hugs:

24-11-07, 17:02
I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst about 2 years ago. I have been having it monitored at the hospital but as it has not grown larger than 5cm they have now discharged me and are happy to leave it. Do you think it is ok to just leave it as it seems others have their removed if they do not go on their own.

24-11-07, 17:36
Hi Ladies , I am 39 years old , and lately have been really low in myself and feeling hormonal. Had some blood tests done recently which look like I may be in perimenopause, My periods used to be every 32 days when i first started , then they went down over the years to every 21 days.....

Now the past 4 months , they have been jumping around a bit ,

21 days , 25 days , 22 days, then here I am today on day "30" still waiting for my period ,,, so is this a normal sign of entering perimenopause ?

my mother was 46 when she had hers and my fathers mother was supposedly 39 years old :shrug: .

All i know is , I dont feel myself anymore, usually my periods are really heavy and clotty , but last month it was light.

And now i get these migraines alot around my period (sigh).

take care all

25-11-07, 13:27
Hi Mirry,
my periods have been all over the place for the last 2 years.
Back in the summer i didnt have one for 4 months then it was regular for a couple of months now i am a week late again.
I am also getting more headaches than usual and feeling achy.
I have been advised to see the doctor to talk about possible HRT but i am dubious about it as i have heard bad things about it.
I dont mind not having periods as they have become really heavy and a real pain when you want to go anywhere, but i am not keen on all the other symptoms such as hot flushes etc.

Guess i will see what the doctor says.
take care

25-11-07, 16:45
Well, I reckon we all deserve medals for putting up with all this....

.....and it seems I don't have to put up with much compared to some of you poor things!:hugs: :flowers:

I'm 53 and my ruddy periods are still as regular as clockwork (give or take a couple of days each way) .....apart from about 3 mnths ago when I missed one! Funny, my three girls were the only ones excited at the prospect of having a little brother or sister.........:ohmy: !

Yet, I've been told by me GP that I've been peri-menopausal since I was 38!

I had a TCER when I was 37 and that helped the heavy, painful periods.

But, I'm wondering how much longer I'm going to have to go on - me mum was 56 before she stopped :ohmy: and I've been told that whatever age your mum stopped would have bearing on yours too.:shrug:

All I know is that for 9 days every month me boobs feel like two volcanoes, I'm wound up like a coiled spring.....and would gladly inflict serious injury on any male who would dare to comment 'well, it's only women's stuff aint it?' (my hubby not included - he learnt a long time ago how to keep a low profile at 'that time' !)

Big hugs from me to all of you who are suffering real bad from the dreaded hormones - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:....I sure don't know the answer to it all.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

25-11-07, 17:46
oh GG you do make me laugh:hugs: .

Helen , So you started perimenopause around the same age as I am now then :ohmy: , its like alot of us on here are saying 39 years old when periods start to change.

What I dont understand is how Ive started crying alot (and i mean alot) ,
I feel very emotional and its wearing me down , also very tierd , I could sleep all day.

Its strange how we dont get to know what happens to us, we just hear people mention the monopause and that is it .

I have started using the progesterone cream again to see if it helps me with the migraines,,, oh I would love to be a man.


25-11-07, 17:48
forgot to mention about hot flushes , I have had some but thought maybe they are anxiety ???

Its like I go whoosh all over my chest and face and head .

26-11-07, 08:20
Hi Mirry,
it is difficult when you suffer from anxiety to tell whether it is the menopause or anxiety causing our symptoms, i always put it down to anxiety but after reading about the menopause it would seem the symptoms are very similiar.
Apparently the menopause can cause panic attacks, i guess its down to the hormones being all over the place, this would also explain why we get upset easily and the hot flushes you describe sound like the ones i get.
It is a vicious circle not knowing if it is anxiety or homones causing these problems.
I reckon its a bit of both, so we get a double helping!
arn't we the lucky ones!
take care

26-11-07, 09:38
Helen , I am just so sick of it all . I would love to know where i can go see a hormone expert (does anyone know what they are called ?).

I have spent the past 3 days with a migraine , at the same time as my period , they call it menstrual migraine and OMG its horrible.
I went to town yesturday with my hubby and it was like i had a axe thru my head and I got so dizzy I ended up in tears .

Ive been diagnosed with MAV , migraine ass vertigo by an specialist in ears ,lol. But all the pills they give me dont help at all :mad: .

So Im thinking as its menstrual related , maybe I should see someone who specialises in hormones ?Ive seen them on tv , checking every level of hormone in the body and giving what is missing, but think they are private clinics ?

Another strange thing is , for the past 5 years I have suffered with the painful breasts but now that has all gone , its like i replace one problem with another ?


dancer girl
03-07-18, 12:44
Is anyone post menopause and ever having an occasional yellow discharge? I am 59 and suddenly had a little yellow spot back in December, I had a scrape test and all was ok but I still get it occasionally and can't help stressing over it.