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15-02-05, 19:06
this sunday im having to go to my boyfriends relatives, for a family get together, something i have been dredding for a while, the last few years i have got out of going with one excuse after another, and now i have decided i must do it, can't put it off any longer, as i have many things booked in over the next few months and this is the first thing on my list, so i need advice what to do, i am affraid that i am going to panic all the way there, and when i arrive i will be in such a state that the first person who says hallo i will berst into tears and make a fool of myself. i am not on any meds, as dont get on with tablets at all. the only thing i take is quite life (i wish:)) so any help will be most gratefull thanks karen

15-02-05, 19:12

I had to attend so many events during my worst panic years and this included my niece's christening and I had to stand out the front as I was godmother.

I got through it cos I had to (didn't want to let anyone down) and so will you trsut me. Take some rescue remedy before you go and that will calm you and just look on it as a new challenge.

You don't have to be the centre of attention just go along and remember that you will be fine, nothing will happen to you and you may even enjoy it.

It will be lovely to meet the family won't it?

Good luck - I am sure you can do it and I wish you well.


15-02-05, 19:30
dont worry too much im sure you will be fine probably too busy having a good time to worry any way but do try the rescue remedy to help you as i find it really works for me

fan x

15-02-05, 19:36
i have been having rescue remedy from the first day on here, as soon as i read about it, i went straight out and bought some, so ive been taking it in water for a few days but as yet cant feel the difference but hopefully it will start to help soon, so thanks for the advise fan i will be taking it every day, and fingers crossed.

15-02-05, 19:36
Hi Karen

What Fan and Nicola have written is bang on the nail (as ever) I don't take meds either, Bach's Rescue Remedy works wonders for me, so get one of them (I use the spray versions) and keep it handy in a pocket or a bag.. You will probably find (like all of us) that the thoughts of it all will be far worse than the reality of it..

Hang on in there and don't despair - you'll do better than you're expecting

Good luck and good health


16-02-05, 08:41
Hi Karen

Well done for making the decision to tackle things !

I'm sure you'll do Fine.

And the Rescue Remedy ? - I wouldn't be without it.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Best wishes Mo.

16-02-05, 10:48
Hi Karen

Well done for facing the fear, you will be fine and once you have faced this I am sure there will be no stopping you and you will face challenge after challenge...

Have a great time and enjoy it,, :)

Let us know how it goes

~Sarah ~ xxx

ps: rescue remedy is fab stuff,,, I use the drop formula but I dont dilute it in water, I dont know how three lil drops of that stuff manage to calm me down but it does!

16-02-05, 11:32
Hi Karen,

I think that facing up to something you don't want to do or think about is half the battle, so well done.

Re bachs rescue remedy, i agree with sarah - three drops under the tongue seems to do it for me! i also take these homeopathic pills called aconite which seem to do the trick.

Good luck on sunday. just remember that no one will be expecting you to be the centre of attention and your boyfriend will be so happy that you made the effort to go along. When i feel a panic attack coming on in public, i take myself to a quite place and do some breathing exercises - just helps me to not spiral out of control.

best wishes, henri xx

19-02-05, 14:32
[V] the nerves are really starting now, as sunday gets nearer. but i am deturmed to go , but some last minute advice would be nice, i am taking the rescue remidy like theres no tomorrow [:O] and telling myself that i will be fine, and i will have a good time. so lets hope it works. i will let you all know how i get on, and thanks for every ones advice. karen

19-02-05, 18:08

Try to do some relaxation - a lovely hot bath, some calming music etc.

We are all thinking of you so just remember that tomorrow and how proud you will feel once you have done it.

Good luck ok.


19-02-05, 19:08
hi karen
i have just e.mailed you before reading this...
i know and understand what you are saying i get myself in a right tiz before sonething like that... but you are determined to go which is brilliant and im sure your boyfriend will be very proud to have you there with his family...
i take rescue remedy the drops and it does help a fair bit...
but most of all as the other posts say we will be thinking about you and if you think of that when you start to panic as we are all people who understand
im sure you will have a lovely time and it will be nice to hear from you tomorrow to say you went and did it and hopefully enjoyed it too

19-02-05, 20:12
glad to hear you still going ,im sure your gonna be fine let us know how you get on and as some one on here once posted.........
"do it trembling if you must....but do it!"
good luck

fan x

21-02-05, 14:21
:):):) I DID IT :):):)
what a day, before i even got ready to go i couldnt stop crying and shakeing, it took 3/4hrs to get there so bye then i was a mess as i got nearer the nerves got worse, so we drove round the corner so that i could carlm down a bit, but i was starting to cry again worring that i would do this as soon as the door was opened and i had to go in. after about 10 mins i thought to my self this is so silly i am going to have and good time, so with that we set off to the house as i got out the car i felt sick, my heart was pounding and i thought i was going to passout, as soon as they opened the door, it was like it was all lifted away, every welcomed me in and started to chat after, about 1/2 hr later i thought to myself i feel fine no worries at all. and i had a good time. on the way home i couldnt help smiling to myself as i was so please that i did it as its been 3 years or so that i haven't been to these peoples house and now i have and even though i always think to myself well you should just be able to do it anyway, i do think "you did it" and hopefully its the start of alot more things that i can do, so even though i felt so bad it proves it can be done and i think next time i will remember that and it wont be so bad. THANKS TO EVERYONE for all there surport. from a very happy karen :):)

21-02-05, 19:13

Great news :D

It is the worrying that makes us feel worse isn't it? It is called anticipatory anxiety and we all suffer from it.

Well done you for handling it even though you were panicking before you did it.

It will be much easier next time [:P]


21-02-05, 19:37
Well done Karen. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back.

Jude x

21-02-05, 19:49
Big Well Done! Hopefully you can use the experience as well - to show you that you can get through things that you may dread. #It can only get better# ;)

21-02-05, 21:17
Well done you, great news:D

The possibilities open to you are endless now, you got through this massive challenge and came out smiling so who knows what you can do next?

Keep up the good work!

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

22-02-05, 20:47

That was brilliant.

Try to go and visit them again quite soon and see how different and easier the experience the next time is !!

Well done

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-02-05, 21:07
Well done Karen. You did so well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.