View Full Version : Viral infection

21-11-07, 23:04
Hi everyone

Just after a bit of advice, im a 27 year old male. For the last couple of weeks i have been suffering which i think has been a viral infection (sore throat, cough and cold), feel alot better now except a stuffy nose, only thing is that my neck feels tight and tense sort of feels swollen around the front by my adams apple. This has sent my mind racing and i have been googling, worried about cancer of the larynx.

21-11-07, 23:06
Sounds like a lot of what people have at the moment - colds, coughs, sore throats - I have them all.

It is highly unlikely to be cancer - what makes you think that?

P.S. stop googling - you will have everything possible if you do!

21-11-07, 23:13
Sounds like a lot of what people have at the moment - colds, coughs, sore throats - I have them all.

It is highly unlikely to be cancer - what makes you think that?

P.S. stop googling - you will have everything possible if you do!

Main reason is because i am a smoker, i know due to my age it is unlikely, just anxiety getting the better of me i guess.

21-11-07, 23:16
Yes remember it is anxiety and that is all.

You can spend your whole life looking for problems and worrying it is cancer or you can live your life :shrug:

You have to accept things that ache and moan and groan and they are not cancer related.

I can't find the thread but I recently proved you can google loads of symptoms and end up with cancer of the toe !!!!

Put things in perspective - get it checked out - then move on or it will drive you barmy in the end

It is a throat infection I am sure but you can prove me wrong by seeing doc.

Hope you feel better soon anyway :yesyes:

21-11-07, 23:23
Thanks for replying Nicola, i am sure you are right.

Its just i seem to always look at the worst possible scenerio and im always checking myself to see if everything is normal, this might sound funny but i dont know what is normal or abnormal anymore.

22-11-07, 18:43

I can understand your worries.

The problem is the more we focus on one pain the worse it gets and then we worry about it and then we start googling!

Have a read of the symptoms page on the left - it describes quite a few things and gives rational explanations for them - it may help anyway.

22-11-07, 22:49
Thanks again for your advice, feeling a lot calmer today and i have not been googling, will check out the symtoms page.

22-11-07, 22:52
Glad you are feeling better

We are always here to reassure so don't worry if it comes back.

24-11-07, 10:09
My anxiety is now sky high again, i think the glands that are swollen in my neck are called supraclavicular Lymph glands, this is now really scaring me, have read that if these swell you should see your doctor and get them investigated.

Anyone else ever been here, could my viral infection cause this swelling.

25-11-07, 23:24
Hi Jason,

Just to let you know I too have the same viral infection and I too have swollen glands in my neck. Don't worry this is just your body fighting the viral infection, but if you want reassurance go to see you GP. Hope you feel better soon.

27-11-07, 18:20
Evening everyone

Alot better now, been to see my doctor had a chat to him about my problems and he carried out a thorough examinatation of my neck throat and chest and said everything was normal nothing to worry about.

At the moment i feel totally at ease, i think because of constantly checking things i am trying to find things wrong, when really i think they are just normal body functions. If you concentrate on one thing long enough im sure you will notice slight differences.