View Full Version : Eye Flashes and other weird symptoms

22-09-22, 18:45
Hey everyone, I hope you all here has been growing and making progress in your lives :D .

I wanted to see if anyone has ever had experience with this and how they dealt with it. To start off, I get a yearly checkup at the cardiologist every year. Every year they say that everything is perfectly normal. This year was the same; however, they noticed a bit of low blood pressure. She told me to up my water intake and come back a week later. I did that and instantly got better results! I even checked my blood pressure the other day and it was perfectly normal after 3 trials. I do still sometimes feel a bit whoozy when standing up fast.

I have gotten eye floaters for as long as I can remember (10 years old). They never really bother me and they always come and go. I only really notice them... when I notice them and tend to focus on them. I notice them even more after exertion and in hotter/humid weather or staring at bright things (snow). Sometimes I even get these random flashes of light in my vision. These also go away and come when I start hyperfocusing on them. The last time I went to an optometrist was 4 years ago, which they stated that everything was normal. Lately when I'm in my class (in university), I'll try focusing on what the professor is explaining and then randomly I'll see a flash/floater in my vision and get a little startled. These classrooms tend to be quite warm and I'm not sure if that can be a cause. I also get these brain zaps and palpitations that make me kind of lightheaded and panicky. I take a few deep breaths and I start feeling fine again. It feels as if my anxiety is about to scream out loud!

I went back to my old habits and googled all of this and it said that these symptoms can indicate transient ischemic attacks (TIA)!? I got really worried reading this and it fed my anxiety further. Keep in mind, I am 20 years old and work out sometimes, have a job and go to school. But as I keep focusing on each and every symptom, it's hard to go about my day.

I don't drink regularly or smoke.

Anyone have experience with these?

22-09-22, 22:10
I've experienced floaters for the first time today strangely enough MattBananafone34. But then I'm 57 which is the likely reason. I'd say at your young age you would have nothing to worry about, especially the chances of having a TIA. You don't drink or smoke and you work out too. Of course if you're still worried, book an appt with your doctor. All the best to you buddy.

23-09-22, 05:08
I’ve seen floaters since I was a kid. Nothing to worry about. Flashes are pretty common too. I’ve had them explained to me by doctors as a gentle movement of the gel in your eye that stimulates your retina resulting in a brief flash. If you have regular eye exams you’re good.

The anxiety is probably causing you to notice the floaters and flashes. They’re always there but the anxiety causes heightened awareness.