View Full Version : Large fibroid and uterine prolapse concern

24-09-22, 03:48
Hi, everyone. It's been a while since I posted here but I'm back as my anxiety has gone absolutely haywire due to my posterior intramural fibroid which was 3.5cm back when I was pregnant in 2017 growing to 9cm in size in present day. I have a phone consult next week with a urogynecologist to discuss treatment options and I don't know how I'll hang on until then.

For the past few months I had been noticing increased urinary frequency and occasional difficulty getting pee out and was finally kicked into gear to get ultrasounds earlier this month. I also recently discovered that my cervix is suddenly REALLY low (and TMI but I could manually push my cervix back to a higher position with my fingers though it would just slip back down). I was worried I had a uterine prolapse that was exacerbated by this 9cm fibroid growing inside it. It all clicked that I've always had bad habits like "bearing down" just to get the last drops of pee out and had recently been doing abdominal exercises to try to tone my abdomen (I thought I had belly fat when it turned out to be my fibroid making me look 4 months pregnant). These are the exact exercises that can cause or worsen prolapses due to the extra intra-abdominal pressure... I think you can see where I am going with this but I was 100% convinced I had a uterine prolapse or a pelvic organ prolapse of some sort because everything seemed to line up perfectly with my symptoms, especially the drooping cervix.

I visited an obgyn recently who told me that I did not have a prolapse but that the large and hard fibroid on the "posterior fornix" was pushing down on my cervix and vaginal tissue. My urinary frequency and bladder capacity seem to be diminishing daily and I just don't understand how that can be unless the fibroid is either growing at super speed or I do actually have a uterine prolapse that is quickly worsening and falling down on my bladder. I feel on the verge of having daily breakdowns due to these uncomfortable sensations that even wake me at night to urinate and I really don't know how to hang on until my phone consult. I also know that no surgery is immediate so I will just be suffering with an ever-growing fibroid or potential prolapse and I'm having a really difficult time dealing with this.