View Full Version : Vertigo? Swaying and loss of balance

26-09-22, 14:44

Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this. Over the last 4 days I have experienced what I think may be vertigo symptoms? I got up in the night and could not walk straight resulting in me bumping into bed and drawers. This has been going on for 3-4 days although not as bad in last 24 hrs but maybe as I am aware of it I am making sure I sit for a while before I get up and then when I am standing I stay still for a few seconding before attempting to walk. Apart from my eyes feeling quite tired and having a bit of a pressure headache feeling I am fine in myself.

I have spoken to drs and have appt but not until end of week. I am wondering if poss ear infection but have no other issues apart from not walking straight. It is like I am drunk! (But I’m not). Or like getting off a boat maybe. I have also requested eye test voucher from work in case it is my eyes. It has all just come on so suddenly. I have never had any issues with dizziness or balance before and it has come on so suddenly, it is a very unnerving feeling.

A colleague said could be hormonal (menopause related?) or I am guessing blood pressure?

Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else? Obviously I know I have to wait to see what dr says… just thought I’d ask in the meantime.

Thank you

Love flump xxx

27-09-22, 07:51
Literally experiencing it now..

I've got fibromyalgia but I get problems with my ears too (TMJ) and episodes of vertigo which knock me off balance. (Wolloped into a few door jamb's yesterday - ouch!)

03-10-22, 21:34
I feel exactly the same since I had C…d V@X it’s awful

03-10-22, 23:05

Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this. Over the last 4 days I have experienced what I think may be vertigo symptoms? I got up in the night and could not walk straight resulting in me bumping into bed and drawers. This has been going on for 3-4 days although not as bad in last 24 hrs but maybe as I am aware of it I am making sure I sit for a while before I get up and then when I am standing I stay still for a few seconding before attempting to walk. Apart from my eyes feeling quite tired and having a bit of a pressure headache feeling I am fine in myself.

I have spoken to drs and have appt but not until end of week. I am wondering if poss ear infection but have no other issues apart from not walking straight. It is like I am drunk! (But I’m not). Or like getting off a boat maybe. I have also requested eye test voucher from work in case it is my eyes. It has all just come on so suddenly. I have never had any issues with dizziness or balance before and it has come on so suddenly, it is a very unnerving feeling.

A colleague said could be hormonal (menopause related?) or I am guessing blood pressure?

Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else? Obviously I know I have to wait to see what dr says… just thought I’d ask in the meantime.

Thank you

Love flump xxx

Hello Flump (I loved the Flumps, as did my sister!),

I'm currently 'enjoying' BPV (Benign Positional Vertigo) - this is usually caused by little crystals in your inner ear getting into the wrong place and upsetting the function of your balancing balls in your ear canal. Your brain gets conflicting messages from your eyes and ears leading to you staggering and wobbling around. I get it when turning over in bed. A good clue is if you have a small mirror to hand - if one or both of your eyes are flicking rapidly from centre to side it's BPV.

The other possibility is POH - Postural Orthostatic Hypotension; this is where your blood pressure falls as you rise and makes you dizzy.

POH and BPV do produce slightly different symptoms and of the two, I'd say in your case it's BPV but I'm not a doctor. The first time I had it (in my 20s) I got up out of bed and immediately fell down in the opposite direction because my brain said "you're falling"! That too came on without any warning whatsoever.

Hope you get an answer :)

04-10-22, 10:15
Hello Flump (I loved the Flumps, as did my sister!),

I'm currently 'enjoying' BPV (Benign Positional Vertigo) - this is usually caused by little crystals in your inner ear getting into the wrong place and upsetting the function of your balancing balls in your ear canal. Your brain gets conflicting messages from your eyes and ears leading to you staggering and wobbling around. I get it when turning over in bed. A good clue is if you have a small mirror to hand - if one or both of your eyes are flicking rapidly from centre to side it's BPV.

I've had this, P. The eye thing is really weird. :scared15:

04-10-22, 14:57
I've had this, P. The eye thing is really weird. :scared15:

I had it the other night when I turned over in bed: the only light was the neon illuminating the flip-flap clock by my bed and it was jumping up and down really fast...