View Full Version : For Pamplemousse...

26-09-22, 17:01
For some reason I seem to think that it's your birthday tomorrow (27th) but I could just be having a senior moment (one of many) in which case please ignore my ramblings?:D

Happy Birthday if it actually IS tomorrow and if it's not..well, have a good day anyway!

Hope you are ok as you haven't been active on here for a while...Even after the demise of Boris!:DI need your opinions on Ms Truss to brighten my day!

26-09-22, 17:19
In case it is your birthday - Happy Birthday :D

26-09-22, 19:06
Happy Birthday PM!! :birthday1: :birthday: Typical of Pulisa to remember bless her.

26-09-22, 19:53
I just hope I'm right...because otherwise I will look pretty silly!:)

27-09-22, 07:02
Happy Birthday Pamplemousse
I Hope you have a lovely day and get spoiled
lot's of love to you
celticlass xxx :bighug1::bighug1:

27-09-22, 07:12
Happy Birthday PM. Wishing you many happy returns x

27-09-22, 07:45
Happy birthday PM! :yesyes:

21 again? :winks:

01-10-22, 18:27
Hi Pulisa and everyone else,

first of all, thank you all for your kind wishes: they really are much appreciated. This year's birthday was a very quiet affair with about half the cards I normally get (a lot of friends have forgotten, it seems), but a lot has been going on.

However, it now seems ill-mannered of me to point out that my birthday was on the 16th!

I have been fairly quiet on here for a number of reasons: one, my mood as a rule had been good for a while - better than it has in a long time, truth be told - but sad to say, it has now deteriorated markedly over the last week or so; two, I've been quite busy with work and home; three, some relatives of mine have been in hospital. I have occasionally been reading posts on here but felt I had nothing worthwhile to add.

P - all I'll say about Truss is, to paraphrase her own words:

She. Is. A. Disgrace.

01-10-22, 19:58
Oh dear...I'm certainly slipping up with my birthday greetings!! At least I got the right month but apologies for missing the right day...

I hope your relatives are stable and on the mend although very worrying for you, obviously.

I never have anything worthwhile to add on here...I even get birthdays wrong!!..but burble on regardless:D

Great to hear your views on the MonsTrussity who is our Continuity PM though..Have you seen "This England" on Sky which documents the Demise of Boris along the Advent of Covid?

Sorry that you are low..Please use here if it helps in any small way?

01-10-22, 20:08
I cannot abide Thick Lizzy. Labour 33 points ahead in polls as of yesterday.
I feel the Conservatives have shot themselves in the foot with her.

01-10-22, 20:20
Isn't she awful the ..way...she..speaks...Quite apart from what..she..actually.... says...

As for Krazy Kwarteng..He's just arrogantly abysmal. The pair of them are a gift to Labour.

The Party Conference next week should be riveting TV..

01-10-22, 20:59
She’s on with Laura Keunsburg (sp?) tomorrow morning. Normally I can’t stick her but I will say she takes politicians apart. Should be interesting viewing.:winks:

She was taken apart by several local radio stations. :roflmao:

01-10-22, 23:06
Isn't she awful the ..way...she..speaks...Quite apart from what..she..actually.... says...

As for Krazy Kwarteng..He's just arrogantly abysmal. The pair of them are a gift to Labour.

The Party Conference next week should be riveting TV..

This'll be KamiKwasi Kwarteng, last seen laughing in Westminster Abbey during the Queen's Funeral and also rumoured to have had discussed Ugandan affairs with Truss in the past.

I don't know if you heard any of her BBC local radio interviews but she was comprehensively dismantled by them; according to James O'Brien some of her pauses were so long they ran the risk of triggering LBC's "emergency tape"...

They have been a gift to Labour in that since the "fiscal event" Labour's lead is such that the Conservatives would be driven into oblivion, with Labour having a majority of 346 in the Commons. We have, however, been here before.

01-10-22, 23:24
Oh dear...I'm certainly slipping up with my birthday greetings!! At least I got the right month but apologies for missing the right day...

I hope your relatives are stable and on the mend although very worrying for you, obviously.


Sorry that you are low..Please use here if it helps in any small way?

Thanks, P - and BTW, you do a lot of good here, please don't think otherwise.

One physical matter increasingly troubling me will need me to seek medical advice when the local practice IT system finally works - and I am receiving CBT yet again. In the meantime I'll keep myself to myself, so to speak; I should have gone somewhere today I was previously really looking forward to, but tiredness from yesterday's 13 hour shift and my mood dictated otherwise - I nearly burst into tears when I got out of the car at home. Maybe next year, if (a) I am still here and (b) the event is held in the same place. Tomorrow I should really go to my Godson's 5th birthday party but I think I shall make my excuses and stay at home - I really don't want to get Covid from a bunch of schoolkids as I have my jab lined up for Friday. I can always drop his present and card off on Monday evening, it's not his birthday until Tuesday anyway. After all, I have no work for a couple of weeks at least. If I can find the pennies, I can at least get some work done on the car before winter.

One relative has returned from hospital after a procedure: the delirium induced by the general anaesthetic has now cleared but she is getting much more forgetful whilst the other is receiving treatment for a stroke and was about to have a blood clot removed from a lung - until he contracted Covid in hospital, poor soul. I think he's stable.

Sleepy time now - even though I didn't get up till one this afternoon.

Night all.

02-10-22, 08:37
This'll be KamiKwasi Kwarteng, last seen laughing in Westminster Abbey during the Queen's Funeral and also rumoured to have had discussed Ugandan affairs with Truss in the past.

I don't know if you heard any of her BBC local radio interviews but she was comprehensively dismantled by them; according to James O'Brien some of her pauses were so long they ran the risk of triggering LBC's "emergency tape"...

They have been a gift to Labour in that since the "fiscal event" Labour's lead is such that the Conservatives would be driven into oblivion, with Labour having a majority of 346 in the Commons. We have, however, been here before.

I love James O'Brien..Kwarteng's associations with those making money out of this mess have been exposed.

02-10-22, 11:30
This'll be KamiKwasi Kwarteng, last seen laughing in Westminster Abbey during the Queen's Funeral and also rumoured to have had discussed Ugandan affairs with Truss in the past.

I don't know if you heard any of her BBC local radio interviews but she was comprehensively dismantled by them; according to James O'Brien some of her pauses were so long they ran the risk of triggering LBC's "emergency tape"...

They have been a gift to Labour in that since the "fiscal event" Labour's lead is such that the Conservatives would be driven into oblivion, with Labour having a majority of 346 in the Commons. We have, however, been here before.

I heard them PM. They were a complete embarrassment. The pauses were indeed so long I did begin to wonder if she’d fell asleep.

03-10-22, 08:04
OOH Darksky, I love your new avatar, v v moody. :shades: