View Full Version : Suddenly hyperfocused on all these bodily sensations

27-09-22, 10:44
Two nights ago while lying in bed I started focus on the slight ringing in my ears. Ive had this for as long as I can remember but rarely even notice it. Now all of a sudden I can hear it all the time even in a loud area. A couple of weeks ago I also started focusing on visual snow, particularly in the dark.
I've always have flickering night vision even as a child, I never really paid attention to it now I focus on it all the time even during daylight.
What is wrong with me? Why can I never be at peace with my body.

Are slight tinnitus and visual snow, particularly at night normal?
Will I ever feel at peace with my body.
I can't take this anxiety anymore. :(

28-09-22, 17:13
I'm going through something similar at the moment, albeit with very different symptoms. Anything even slightly out of the ordinary with my body is setting me off. I think we really need to try and separate the "symptom" from the reaction to it, the symptom is what it is (or isn't!), but the reaction (obsessing and hyper focusing) is health anxiety through and through and you need to try and convince yourself of that, literally name the feeling and say to yourself this is my health anxiety. Initially I found my reaction was "Great... so I've got a terminal illness and anxiety on top of it":roflmao: but it does help me from time to time along with meditation.

You can and will get through it.

29-09-22, 08:33
What is wrong with me? Why can I never be at peace with my body.

When I figure that out, I'll let you know. :winks:

Are slight tinnitus and visual snow, particularly at night normal?

My tinnitus is the same morning, noon, and night.

Try some white noise..

Will I ever feel at peace with my body.

Mate, there is literally that much going on with my body (and at any time) that I've had to come to try and come to terms with always feeling some level of shite. Gone are the days when I could get up and my body didn't ache, click, creak, burn, or hurt. These days, I get up and say, 'What have you got for me today, Bod?' (And I hear manic laughter) :scared15:

29-09-22, 20:13
Are slight tinnitus and visual snow, particularly at night normal? -
I have had tinnitus gosh since I was about 19 so 13 years now, I notice it lots if its super quite. I get moments were it amplifies its self for a a minute then goes away that stresses me out. It cant hurt you though. I have to go to sleep with the TV on though or the ringing would drive me crazy. In regards to visual snow I get that as well, but only if the room is in complete darkness. Again it cant hurt you but if your really concerned no harm in visiting the opticians. Here in the Uk some of our opticians also do hearing checks too.

30-09-22, 02:31
I’m currently the same with my vision, I have been through episodes over the past 10 years with my vision where I notice everything ( floaters, after images, blind spots) although deep down I know I’m ok I still have the overwhelming feeling of anxiety when I’m having an episode and doubt my self that’s it’s normal.