View Full Version : Uneven sides of my tongue

28-09-22, 19:04
Heya, does anyone else here have uneven borders of their tongue? When I stick mine out, the left side of my tongue is wider and bigger than the right side. It sounds crazy but I keep focusing on it and worried that it could be something wrong. In my brains it should look the same.. are tongues supposed to be symmetrical?

29-09-22, 07:57
are tongues supposed to be symmetrical?

Our bodies are not symmetrical, inside or out.

29-09-22, 13:38
Thank you for your reply NoraB. I guess I have to let this go.. Trying hard to let it go but it's not easy. I do not have symptoms like a sore or ulcer at the part where it's bigger but my mind keeps telling me it's bad news.. grrr

29-09-22, 15:03
If you have a "chewing side" preference (40% of people do, evidently!), a slightly different "bite" on the left vs right side of your teeth, TMJ, neck tension, or even if you're not holding your head, neck, and shoulders 100% anatomically level as you (needlessly :) ) "check" this in a mirror... things won't look 100% even. The vast majority of times, this only means three things: (1) you won't win a beauty pageant (sorry!) (2) you aren't an anatomy textbook illustration (3) you need a little bit of help managing your HA checking behaviors at the moment.

All the best :)

29-09-22, 19:54
Thank you Kyllikki for your response! I do chew most on the side where the tongue is bigger, wider.. I also have a clicking sound when I open my mouth wide on that side for years. But you're basically saying stop checking in the mirror and get your HA under control.. I hate HA!

01-10-22, 09:25
If you have a "chewing side" preference (40% of people do, evidently!)

Mine's right (And all my TMJ issues are on the left)

01-10-22, 10:08
Heya, does anyone else here have uneven borders of their tongue? When I stick mine out, the left side of my tongue is wider and bigger than the right side. It sounds crazy but I keep focusing on it and worried that it could be something wrong. In my brains it should look the same.. are tongues supposed to be symmetrical?

Have you ever in your life checked your tongue before this and happily noticed actual symmetry?

No. I did not think so.

01-10-22, 15:07
No I have never looked at my tongue before like that. Maybe it has been this way for like forever! But when I did, I got scared of tongue cancer. This worry about it has been for 3 weeks now.. trying to stop worrying about it though! But it's hard. I've also been to the dentist today for a molar problem but he didn't say anything about my tongue, but I didn't ask either..